Damian Kenny's Rudimentary Web Page!

Appraisal Checklist This is a list of items which a doctor may wish to discuss during appraisals. It is laid out as a checklist over five years, so that different areas of work can be discussed each year, leading to a variety of complementing discussions over time.

Appraisal Diary Reflections This is a blank form which the appraiser may wish to use after appraisals. It has some prompts to aid reflections of what went well during the appraisal, and what ideas the appraiser may have for improving aspects of future appraisals.

Appraisal Refresher Training This is a the session plan for a workshop to refresh the appraisal skills of appraisers who had not done any appraisals for 1 year.

COT Grid This is a grid for mapping COT assessments, in order to ensure wide variety of types of patient and consultation. It also helps to note progress and spread of assessments.

CBD Grid This is a grid for mapping CBD assessments, in order to ensure wide variety of types of patient and consultation. It also helps to note progress and spread of assessments.