Fishing in Western Pennsylvania
Map of Lake Arthur - Muddy Creek

Lake Arthur

This part of Lake Arthur varies the most from year to year because of the changes in weed growth patterns over time.  The vast majority of Muddy creek has substantial weed growth ranging from coontail to reeds to lilly pads.  During some years the northen portions of the lake here are inaccessible because of the weeds.

1. This shoreline is an extension of the one described in area 2 part 2, although there is not a submerged road running parallel to the shore.  Water depth here ranges from 2 to 4 feet at the shoreline and there are several patches of lily pads near the shore.  This area will produce bass by casting spinnerbaits or shallow-diving crankbaits along the shoreline.  You can also catch the occasional bass in the lily pads using weedless lures.

There is a deep (8 ft - 10 ft) creek channel (original Muddy creek) that runs parallel to the western shoreline.  Adjacent to the channel to the east is a weedy flat that varies from 3 feet to 5 feet depth.  This is one of the few areas in lake Arthur where I have had success trolling.  Trolling shallow- or mid- depth crankbaits along the transition from the weedy flat to channel can produce largemouth bass on occasion.  One nice feature of this channel is that it is fairly straight, which allows for a long trolling pass. 

3. Adjacent to the creek channel there is a large shallow weedy flat to the east.  Bass can sometimes be caught on this flat by fishing top-water lures such as the Rebel Pop 'R or the Zara Puppy.  Fishing here will be very much contingent upon the depth of the lake at the time and the amount of weed growth.

4. There is a  paved submerged road here that traverses a large weedy bay.  On the northwest side of the submerged road there are several very large patches of lily pads.  The edges of the submerged road as well as the lily pads will produce the occassional bass and panfish.  Maximum depth of this cove is approximately 4 feet when the lake is at a 'normal' level.  The road bed can be fished with shallow-diving crankbaits or spinner baits.  The areas between the patches of lily pads can be fished with spinnerbaits or buzzbaits.  The patches of lily pads can be fished with weedless lures like Mann's floating rat.  This area has produced some big bass for me over the years as well as a muskie.  You need to be patient when fishing this cove and watch for any signs of fish amongst the lily pads.  Often times the bass will be feeding on bugs or frogs amongst the weeds.  As a side note, this area can be fished by wading out along the road bed if you are a shore fishermen.

5. This shallow weedy section is split by the original Muddy creek channel.  If you follow the channel north it eventually parallels a submerged road that is not shown on the map.  This area will produce bass with top-water lures, spinnerbaits, or shallow-diving crankbaits depending upon the water depth and amount of weed growth.