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CTD Features

Collusion: Republicrats and Their Media

Collusion: Republicrats and Their Media

Millions of Americans feel like they have inadequte choice in elections. The media aren't helping: they maninpulate candidates' messages; they exclude candidates from participating in debates; and, most often, they simply ignore non-Republicrat contenders.

Federal Election Commission

Misleading Methodology, Distorted Data

The Federal Election Commission drastically overestimates growth in voter registration in the past four decades. Instead of substantially increasing, as the FEC claims, voter registration has remained virtually constant, a new report from CTD says.

The Boston Globe

Letter to the Editor

A CTD letter to the editor published in the Boston Globe, regarding Senator Kennedy's recent endorsement of Al Gore for president. Printed on January 7, 2000.

America's Alternative

Timely Alternatives

A comprehensive analysis of America's most successful third party candidates. CTD looks at the political context and campaign strategies that propelled several candidates close to victory.

The Money Game

The Money Game

Which is more important for a competitive candidate: collecting cash or persuading voters? CTD provides extensive campaign contribution info for the 2000 election cycle, along with interactive tools to see who's contributing how much to each candidate.

The Same Party

@ the Same Party

CTD examines the 1996 Republican and Democratic party platforms and reveals some striking similarities. Get an up-close look at why Americans feel that they're left without a choice.

© Citizens for True Democracy, 1998-2000