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Levitation and Magic Squares

     Can I tell you now to levitate ? NO. I haven’t personally done it but I can see that doing so could be in the WILL of God. Why, because, the Bible and various scriptures do contain instances where people have been transmigrated to different places to witness and win others to the Lord. (SEE
Transmigration Posting). In the End Time, we won’t always be able to travel, the old fashioned conventional way with planes, trains and cars. Sometimes travel security restrictions will seemingly bind us, and time constrictions almost rule out doing what we are compelled by the Lord to do. So why wouldn’t transmigration or literal levitation to other places be one of the ‘Exploits' we shall be doing in the LATTER DAYS. Why can’t we believe in miracles, not for show and our own personal glory, but in helping others KNOW the Lord, and bringing our brethren together in the LAST GATHERING. Why can’t we pray and believe, and not just 'Move Mountains' but move ourselves from place to place when in the SPIRIT.

     For even Jesus said “The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh and whether it goeth, so is everyone that is born of the Spirit’ (John 3: 8). So why can’t we believe these truths literally, for Jesus said we had the power within us to do so. Phillip did it, when the eunuch needed to be witnessed to, so why not us ? (Acts 8)

     All it takes is FAITH and PRAYER. And it certainly doesn’t decrease our faith to know that the Lord was the Creator and that in His Physics all things are harmonic and obedient to His Voice according to His NAME. Numbers and science and math don’t decrease our faith, but should increase our absolute knowledge in knowing that all things must obey his laws of the spirit and laws of nature. We have nothing to fear except fear itself, for fear is the opposite of FAITH, and He said ‘All things are possible to us that believe’ So let’s believe and concentrate and MOVE. Amen?

     So what do we do literally besides just pray and believe to levitate. Well, as mentioned I don’t know, but then again prayer is concentration and focus. We have to totally forget the outside world and ourselves and just will to be in His Spirit and Presence. Surely there is no other way, for all exploits of all the men and women of the Lord have always been when they just concentrated on the Lord rather than themselves and their own shortcomings. If we haven’t learned to shut out the world and the doubts of conditions and circumstances, then we won’t be able to defy gravity nor transmigrate. We have to be focused on Jesus and His power , rather than our own, which is nothing. We have to look at Jesus rather than on the waves and conditions. For isn;t this what Peter did when he walked on the water towards our Saviour ? (SEE
Walking on Water, All things OBEY)

     I mean if stupid man made inventions like planes can counter the effects of gravity why not us, who are ‘
Made in the Image of God’. The Searle Flying Disk, could gather orgonic sexual free energy from space, and levitate and move, so why can’t we ? What would prevent us, except for our doubts and fears ?

     Orgonic energy is the attraction of free electrons to life itself, so seeing we are alive and sexual, why couldn’t we draw the power of the spirit from the air also ? (Consider
William Reich and Orgon) There is nothing made or nothing more highly technologically advanced than our body, so why should we look to external man made devises like the world. We, have the phi template incorporated right into our heavenly physical design, so we have the power to magnify the little mustard seed of power within us. (SEE Graphics and 33 levels to Bliss). Hence we have the equipment at hand, right within our own design, and the power of our minds in focusing on Him can surely free us from our physical bodies or even take them along with us to other physical destinations if that be the Lord’s WILL.

     The dark side uses various ‘mandala’ or geometric symbols of demonic entities to get in the wrong spirit, but that shouldn’t stop us from using the Lord’s symbols to do the same when praying in the
Right Spirit. We could concentrate on His Cross, to focus us on His sacrifice. We might even concentrate on the Star of David, his electrical symbol of Creation and power, or ‘Gasp’ even a pentagram, because it shows his PHI proportions in its heavenly created shape. Do we worship things or designs, absolutely NOT, we worship the Lord and only want to free our minds into concentrating on Him and Him alone. Can we use His shapes, absolutely. stars are not evil, squares are not evil, circles and lines are not evil just because the dark side uses them in the wrong configurations for the wrong motives. We can use anything for the Lord, because all things were created by Him and the dam devil has created absolutely nothing. We are not limitied by the devil uses of what the Lord created.

     But what about numbers, can we stare and concentrate on the beauty and symmetry of numbers as in a magic square to elevate us. I don’t know ? But why not ? I mean it has been proven beyond any doubt that the
Magic Square of the Sun/SON is definitely balanced and equal and harmonic, so whether subconsciously or consciously couldn’t such beauty and balance and harmony align our hearts and brains to HIM. He is the author of numbers and equality and harmony, so why not ?

     I mean the gateway to the spirit world seems to be at
111 hertz, and in His Magic Square, the lines add up to 111, whether one goes horizontally or vertically. And the pairings of the numbers that add up to 37 or the Fine Structure Constant in the microcosm of atoms are also perfectly balanced, so why couldn’t such number placements in time and space, put us into a timeless space where we could be in the SPIRIT. These rings of absolute symmetry inside the magic square were used by Searle in His material flying disk, so why not within us as well ?

     For again,  when we can center our emotions and lower our brain waves to the low frequencies, of concentration and meditation at possibly 11 hertz or 16.5 hertz, why would it be strange to think we could enter His Tabernacle which has a phi resonant frequency of
33 hertz. Harmony is a part of His Creation, and is the very reason why we could have access to His presence. The Only limiting factor would be that we absolutely have to be in tune with Him, for no others can approach His Throne.

     Knowing the numbers would not give access, but having his literal and exact frequency within our hearts would. Our love for Him could not be counterfeited, and it is not a literary term, but His '
love is a literal wave' just as in Physics.   For just as in the physical realm, invisible waves can only center down to the Center of any PHI Spiral if they are non-destructable and shareable, so with the Lord’s love. For it takes the Lord’s love, to compress and get to the point of POWER, for only then would that person use His Power for good and love rather than their own selfish purposes.

     So can the ‘
Magic Square of the Sun/SON’ help you concentrate and levitate and transmigrate,. I don’t know ? But here's a possible print out of these Levitation Numbers, tell me your results. GBY !


David Jay Jordan