Buried Alive

"Who Am I?"
"My Maddnezz"
"All Of Me"
"Mental Sclerosis"
"From Me To You"
"Just My Reality"


"My Voice From Death Row"

I deem myself to be a radical socialist...a revolutionary. In expressing my voice from death row, I am sure that this fact will surface without me saying it. Those of you who read this, please don’t run away thinking that I am on some “Black Power” trip. I am not. What I say involves you also, all races, though some more than others. I am about revolution...re – evolution, which is a drastic action of change for peace. Re means over & over & evolution means change. A lot of you do not know that you all are for revolution as well. Usually when & if a person hears the word revolution, one automatically thinks –“Black People”, am I right? (smile) That is because politicians & the corporate owned media have conditioned you to think & believe that such a stereo-type is true. It isn’t. Very few people in Amerikkka have any deep perception of the conditions & treatment in urban Amerikkka & of minority races, let alone in the prisons of this nation, & for obvious reasons: the authorities, who have total control of the situation’ see to it that the public is not told the truth. Prisoners aren’t allowed to communicate freely & privately with the outside world, nor even with one another. Therefore, what most people know about prisons are what the ‘authorities’ want them to hear. Millions of people were surprised & shocked by my comrades in struggle, the former Mr. P. Wilkerson (R.I.P.) & Mr. L.D. Guidry, of the hostage situation that took place 4 years ago in Feb. 2000. Why? For the simple fact that people do not comprehend that even the “best” prisons are very oppressive, let alone the less fortunate ones. & because of this oppression, the few of us who refuse to live under oppression, especially us men & women who are minority, are dangerous to white society capitalists because we becomes symbols of hope to our fellow brothers & sisters, inspiring them to follow our example. We must release ourselves from the destructive strangulation of society & realize that society has failed us. To attempt to ignore this system of deception now is to deny us the need to protest this failure later, a system that has failed us yesterday, today, & has created the conditions for failure tomorrow, as John Africa once said. The very development of Amerikkkan society is creating, has created, a new kind of blindness about oppression & poverty. The poor are increasingly slipping out of the very experience & consciousness of this nation. This concludes my voice from death row. Thank you for hearing me.
* Casper *