Buried Alive

"Who Am I?"
"My Maddnezz"
"All Of Me"
"My Voice From Death Row"
"From Me To You"
"Just My Reality"


"Mental Sclerosis"

I’m dying slowly
Walking through the great
Halls of my mind
Staring up at portraits of memory
Flanking on both sides
With my All Seeing third eye
Dying slowly – conditions ripe with life
Seeping out of me gradually
A little bit each day with thoughts
Until, at last, there will be
Nothing left of me, but
A shell of flesh, grey corpse
Cold & colorless, soul scorched
Gazing at the portraits of
My 7 heavens in hell
Every facet branded & learned
As a monk’s catechism in his cell
Too...painful get through the
Empty days trying to forget...
Fighting back the memories
The only way I can
With Ceaseless, my pen, in hand
360 proof ink is raw alcohol
Pour me a drink from the
Nearest full bottle on the brink
Down it quickly, sweet cordial
Wincing as hot & syrupy expressions
Slide from my mind to be splayed upon this page
Trying not to taste it … Ceaseless
Ink alcohol my elixir now, my solace
The flavor is irrelevant…I aim to forget
If only I could figure out
How to pour it straight into my bloodstream
I would, no doubt
Save myself the pain,
Inducing instant eternal blackout…