About me
UFOs + Co
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UFOs and Co.

First thing first, YES, I do believe in paranomal stuff, just like UFOs, Nessie and Bigfoot. So what?? You might have seen the movie 'Signs' in which Joaquin Phoenix says that crop circles are made by nerds who never had a girlfriend, and who form groups with other nerds, who never had a girlfriend either, to plan these things out. You might share this opinion. Well, I tell u what, I did have girlfriends and still I believe in certain unusual things. I know that people claimed that they did the crop circles and they proved that it is possible to create them in a matter of hours. So fucking what? Sure, I know that some dudes fake UFO pictures to try to get people's attention. Well, so fucking what?? Of course, I am aware of the fact that scientists couldn't make out any extraterrestials (ET's) yet. But so what?? Is this any proof that there ain't any??
And it is a lot of fun to analyze these pics.

Let's take a look at this picture up there. It was taken in 1993 at Nellis Air Force Base, NV, USA. On first sight, I was like, yup, that's a UFO. But then i took a closer look and something told me that there is something wrong with that picture. I zoomed in a little bit and couldn't figure out what it was. Some fuzzy pixels caught my eye on the right corner of the supposed-to-be alien ufo. I don't know what they are and neither what they are supposed to be. I am not sure, but on photos of other moving objects (like planes or helicoters) i have seen before, i never saw those lines. Next thing that caught my eye was the the shade on the left side of the ufo. I compared it to the trees shadow in the foreground, but to me they did not look indentical. The sun seems to be behind the photographer and one should rarely see a shadow on the ufo. I wasn't satisfied with my answers though. There was something else. I wondered about the size and the position of the object then. I think the ufo is supposed to be behind the house and the trees on the left. But something doesn't fit there in my opinion, but I don't know - just a thought.

See, i can spend days of looking at pictures of UFOs. Even if they are not real, it is interesting to see how people try to fake them (size, form, colour, location).

In the next time I will add some pics and information about paranormal stuff here. It would be cool to get your oppinion on different paranormal stuff as well. So feel free to write me.