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The Nelson/Barlok Family

"The best things you can give children, next to good habits, are good memories."

Parenting a family of five was a joy to me and utilized all my organizational skills! My husband and I had several additions to our family two years ago when our oldest son married. We were instant grandparents to a beautiful toddler and a newborn the following year, who is now just over a year old. Truly, there is someone in each stage of learning....newborn, toddler/pre-school, elementary age, pre-teen, teen, college, and young married. We have a really interesting group of young people with a wide variety of interests and talents. Understanding each one has a different learning style enables us to keep a positive approach to their exploration of the world of learning.

"Homeducation", as I like to call it, is an ongoing process, whether your child is in a traditional classroom, independant study program, homeschooled, or unschooled. Parents, friends, family, and neighbors....the community in which our children grow....all contribute to the learning process. As homeducators, we have the exciting assignment of guiding our children through experiences that will impact their ideas on what life holds for them!

Variety of Interests:I'm an avid reader, wife of an avid reader, parent to four boys and one girl - ages ranging from 7 to 22, entrepreneur, website designer, gardener, fundraiser cookbook editor to promote living organ donors (see ONLINEducation - Health and Lemon-themed Gift Shop), interior decorator, collector of resources, idea lady!

Community service spanning 12 years in activities such as clowning; establishing a local food pantry, crisis pregnancy center, emergency car seat program, and clothing & household goods outreach; public speaker for M.A.D.D.; Children's Ministry leader; Girl Scout leader; fundraising for the neonatal unit of the local hospital (fashion shows, craft fairs, cookbook, bake sales, and more; and establishing e-list, networking home educators throughout San Diego County, CA

Business ventures: include 10 years annual home craft boutique; partner in home craft shows business; Avon representative; Tupperware representative; In-home Furnishing and Decor consultant; Under-21 Teen Recreation Center; Usbourne Book Consultant

Currently: Editor of ONLINEducation e-zine, Nelson Creative Services - Website Design and Updating service, owner

Life is what you make it....I like to be UPBEAT and POSITIVE!!!

Having FUN in all areas of life... A challenge at best... An attitude if you ask me!
Making the most of every opportunity... Looking at the BRIGHT side... Seeing the GOOD in others!!!

Baking brownies... Rollerblading... Clowning around...
Decorating - Mary Engelbreit's artwork is such a bright cheerful influence!!!

Exploring places to visit in our own community...
Surfing the net for learning links...
Investigating the far-reaching trend in homeschooling...
Discovering a treasure of free online resources for education!!!

Meeting fascinating people... Exchanging ideas...
Encouraging ALL to find the BEST in life... To make CHOICES that are good!!!!

"Most of us,
swimming against the tides
of trouble the world knows nothing about,
need only a bit of praise or encouragement
--and we will make the goal."
- Jerome P. Fleishman

I have spent some months two years ago and once again this past year being reminded of this principle that is the basis to maintaining a positive outlook on this adventure called life. I cannot emphasize enough how true it is:

The only things in life you can control are
YOUR OWN RESPONSES to situations!!!

So the next time you find yourself in a situation you had not expected, take a deep breath, look for a positive solution, and then respond. People who love to react simply won't know what to do with you!

A Family of Readers

We have a quiet, reading night once a week in our home. It's a nice break from the fast-paced week, inspires our children to love reading as much as my husband and I do, and allows for a perfect time to really enjoy a good book!

I'm looking for books to add to my children's library.
Please e-mail me if you have any of these books for sale:

Nancy Drew books by Carolyn Keene
with the blue linen-like covers

Happy Hollister books by Jerry West

Thank you!

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         © 1997-2003 Debbie Nelson, Deb's Clever Ideas. All rights reserved.