Welcome to Delcevo - the town which bears the proud of Macedonia people - Goce Delcev.

We want shortly and concretely to introduce you with Delcevo , its geographical locations, population, climate history and Cultural heritage as well as universal creative living of its inhabitants.

Short description of the most beautiful town called Delcevo

+ Beautiness
There is a lot to be seen in our little town. First of all you’ll find yourself in a place full of hospitable and friendly folks, you can visit the beautiful countryside, which is one of the greenest, where the atmosphere everywhere around you is cosy, that is why when you visit Delcevo you are never far from the green hills. It is a place for people who love to walk. It is the most mountainous and hilly area of our country and it is only 10 km. from the mountain Golak, where you can choose between so many mountain paths and spectacular scenery, it is one of the best places where you can enjoy all kinds of different outdoor activities, to get away from the crowds. It has an outstanding natural beauty, variety and abundance of wild flowers which attract numerous butterflies and plants (strawberries, raspberries and blackberries, from which we make home made juices). It also offers a mixture of natural woodland; pine, oak, beech trees.

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