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Janey is one of those real sweet aunts. I've lived with her since I was about 13. She's never been married. She never saw the point in it. She works at some science place. Janey is small, maybe 5'4". She's a bit round faced. She has very bright, round cheeks. She tends to smile alot. She's my mum's younger sister. My mum is 38 and Janey is only 34. Janey tries to dress however is popular at the time because she says it's cheaper and easier to buy clothes that way. I'm not sure Janey has ever been to a thrift store. She has long light blonde hair that's very straight. It falls to a length that's a few inches below her shoulder. She hates wearing her hair up but has to for work usually so she just puts it up into one of those hair claws. Janey is incredibly optimistic, idealistic, hopeful, etc., etc. but she did go to high school in the 80's... that may explain something. She's also very politically confused. One time she said she was a democrat, then she said she thought monarchy was best, now she says she's a socialist. Janey also considers herself a Zen Buddhist. She has one of those small table top Zen Rock Garden's. Janey loves kids and teenagers and thinks being able to work with them would be a dream come true. She wants to teach kindergarten and she's trying to open up her own day care.


Hunter's a real character. Very patriotic, he decided one day to run around the streets of Roanoke wearing an Irish flag as a cape. Hunter likes to do idiotic things like that. One day he went to some charity car wash and then got out and told the people they were washing it all wrong, got out of his car, took a cloth and a sponge and started doing the whole "wax on, wax off" thing from Karate Kid. I think he's starting to suspect my Senshi-hood. And he's seen Gawain most definitely. His best friend Daniel is very cute. My brother has dark brown hair and his eyes are a very dark blue. He has light blue streaks in his hair. His hair is kinda long, it come down almost as long as mine and he wears it spiked all the time. He dresses similar to me. His favorite shirt is some old baseball tee that has the letters 'CPA'* written on the front. Hunter says his religion is Roman. Everyone mistakes that to mean Roman Catholic. No. he means Roman as in he believes in Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, and so on. I think he does that just to be weird.


My mother sent me away to live with my Aunt in Canada. I don't remember much about what Mum was like. All I remember is that she had reddish blonde hair and grey eyes.

*CPA is my high school ^_^ CPA stands for Charles P Allen. It's based in Bedford Nova Scotia. The school website is here

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