Page Index. Read about my home town of Kaikohe, Northland, New Zealand
Links to Geocities Information, HTML Tutorials, Graphics Tutorials, Kiwis, New Zealand and other items of interest

My Town Pictures Junk Room My Family Index

Site Index

All the pages on this site

1. The Main Navigation Pages

Home Page
This is where you came in
Photo Index Page
Index page for all photo pages on this site
My Town
Index Page to My Town section.
Index Page to Family Pages
Junk Room
A Page of Odds and Ends - and Links
2. All the other pages
My Awards
Awards given to me by others
My Town
History of Kaikohe, Northland, New Zealand
Pictures 1
Photos of Kaikohe Town
Pictures 2
Photos of Kaikohe District
Pioneer Village
The Pioneer Village at Kaikohe
Ngawha Springs Project
Ngawha Geothermal Electricity Generation Plant
The New Zealand Kiwi
Map and Weather
Location Map and current weather
In Memoriam to my Mum
Read about Me, if you want
More about me
Continuing saga of me
Raymond 1
First part of my Uncle Raymond's memories of early Northland
Raymond 2
Second part of my Uncle Raymond's memories of early Northland
I Resign
A short piece on resigning from being an adult.
The Kiwi Land Greetings Centre
Send someone a Greeting Card
Christmas Page
Some of my Christmases
Halloween Page
A Halloween Page - just for fun.
This Page
The Site Index Page, What's New and Updated - You Are Here
View and Sign My Guestbook
- Please sign if you haven't already
Guest Book Archive
The Guest Book of the past. See my previous guests.


My Town Pictures Junk Room My Family Index

Updated January 4, 2006

This site created and controlled by Denis. Copyright © 1998-2009.
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