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Link time! Here's the chance where you can link to my website, or even possibly be linked back if you ask. There are three different buttons below, and if you want to link to my site, all I ask is that you host the buttons on your own website as not to sap away bandwidth from this site.

Alternatively, I also have links to other websites: websites of friends of mine, websites of places I like to go, yadda yadda. If you want to be linked, just ask me, but if I link you, I'd also like to ask that you at least have a link back to me.

will you die for me?-- writings of the hilariously misunderstood

This is my friend Mal's writing site. Visit, or else we won't spare your worldly possessions when we take over the world!

Hirameki International - A website featuring up and coming anime titles that I'm really looking forward to. If you're into anime and interactive novels, please check them out!

Something Positive - This has to be the best webcomic ever. It's a bit vulgar, and it has no shame in taking on certain subjects that are otherwise taboo. If you don't mind that, though, check it out!