
     The Rainbow Bridge

April 1996-Oct. 4, 2004
  A Memorial


I know that it must be different,
Now that I am no longer here.
I realize how much I was loved
And how all of you did care.

I know it will be hard at first
When you look around for me.
Expecting to find me in my bed,
Hoovering under your feet
Or beside my buddy Winston

Someday you will begin to see,
Although it'll take some time,
The happy times you shared with me,
The memories are yours and mine.

I'll remember you, my family,
And how much you meant to me.
So please don't grieve and don't be sad,
It was just my time to leave.

April 1996 to Oct. 4, 2004

There is not a day that goes by
That we do not think of you.
Your happy face, your eyes
Your warm furry body
Your love for us and for life.
And the biggest part is,
The love in your heart.

You are now, and always will be,
Forever loved.

Marilyn, Doug and Winston

Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of Heaven lies
the Rainbow Bridge.
When a beloved pet dies, it goes to the
Rainbow Bridge.
It makes friends with other animals and
frolics over rolling hills and peaceful, lush meadows of green.

Our pets do not thirst or hunger.  The old and sick are made young once more; the maimed and the ill become
more healed and strong.  They are as healthy and playful
as we remember them in days gone by.

Though happy and content, they still miss someone very special,
someone they had to leave behind.

Together, the animals chase and play, but the day comes when a pet will suddenly stop and look into the distance…
Bright eyes intent, eager body quivering.  Suddenly, recognizing you, your pet bounds quickly across the green fields and
into your embrace. 
You celebrate in joyous
reunion.  You will never again separate.  Happy tears and kisses are warm and plenty; your hands  caress the face you
You look once more into the loving eyes of your pet and know you never really parted.  You realize that though out of sight, your love had been remembered.

And now, you cross the Rainbow Bridge

M. A. Preston

A Treasured Friend
I lost a treasured friend today
Bella, the little dog who used to lay
Her gentle head upon my knee
and share her silent thoughts with me.
She'll come no longer to my call
Retrieve no more her favorite ball
A voice far greater than my own
Has called her to his golden throne.
Although my eyes are filled with tears
I thank him for the happy years
He let her spend down here with me
and for her love and loyalty.
When it is time for me to go
And join her there, this much I know
I shall not fear the transient dark
For she will greet me with her bark.
Author Unknown

Our beautiful Bella was the first dog to go to the
Rainbow Bridge.  If we could, we would bring
her back again. 


To contact us:

Doug & Marilyn Bower
1480 Great Gully Road
Union Springs, NY 13160
(315) 889-5928
Cell (315) 952-5928