
In dedication to the teachers who were our friends,
our advisors, and our mentors....
You were ALWAYS there for us
giving of yourselves, and volunteering your time,
not just in teaching, but all the extra curricular activities,
that molded us into the people we are today...
for everything you did... We the Alumni of Deer Park Thank You!!

Here's to "The Teachers"

Next pg. 17

Administration (pgs. 1-2)
Art (pgs. 3-4)
Business (pgs. 5-6)
English (pgs. 7-10)
Focus (pgs. 11-12)
Guidance (pg. 13)
Home Economics (pg. 14)
Industrial Arts (pg. 15)
Language (pg. 16)
Math (pgs. 17-18)
Music (pg. 19)
Physical Education (pgs. 20-21)
Science (pgs. 22-24)
Secretarial Services (pg. 25)
Social Studies (pgs. 26-28)
Special Services (pg. 29)
Teachers Quiz


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