
Delphine Clearwater is a motivational speaker, author, healer, actor/singer. She draws from her First Nations & Italian heritage and twenty years of healing experience to help people find their life purpose. Sharing her true account stories of her healing work in Bosnia, walking on hot coals and swimming with wild dolphins, she offers a soothing antidote to our stressful times. Her novel, entitled "When you swim with dolphins, you swim with me" is soon to be on the market. Clearwater Center/Delphine Clearwater.

Natasha has been assisting men, women and children on their spiritual path through psychic readings for twenty-five years. Usinng Palmistry, Rune Stones, Tarot Cards and a strong psychic ability, Natasha, with guidance, is able to identify past, present and future issues and events. Whether it is unblocking "stuck" energy, bringing a deeper awareness to a situation, facilitating the healing of old hurts or identifying hidden potential, Natasha's intention is always to empower her clients so that they are more able to create their own destiny. Natasha

Lady Dolores lives and works in the Greater Los Angeles area. She describes herself as: High Priestess of All Things Ducky, She Who Dances With Fairies, Protectress of Innocent Furbabies, Wielder of the Sacred Besom, Companion of the Venerable Old Toothless, Warrior Woman Who Finds Her Strength Within. Her website, Witchdom's Many Realms, can be found at: Dolores' Page

Tiamath Dracomancer is a writer, healer, metalworker, animal lover, a dabbler in fine arts, a Dianic Wiccan (albeit something of a heretic), a passionate and tireless explorer of the spiritual realms and an all-around misfit. Home Page

Embers, Spiritual Healer/Soul Therapist, Afrikan Divinator/Tarot Reader, Medicine Woman, Reiki Master, NLP Certified/Workshop Facilitator. Embers, the "Spotted Leopard Woman", a name given to her in dreamtime, is a healer extraordinaire. She excels in working with Woman's emotional healing. She has a certificate in Neuro Linguistic Programming and is a highly intuitive being. Her twelve years of experience in studying and growing herbs allows for an easier and more fulfilling healing experience. Embers has been initiated in Hawaiian Huna, worked with First Nations healers and has had several sweats performed in her honor. She studies and works with the Afrikan Voodou and has been initiated in the third degree Reiki Master level. Embers is a "Woman in the Moon", working with earth-based beliefs. As an Afrikan Divinator, she uses the tools of nature, rocks, stones, shells and bones and two different decks of Afrikan Tarot and a pendulum to give a reading. Her readings give one insight into his/her spiritual growth and helps in working through mental and emotional limitations. She works on the level of the Soul. If you are ready to take leaps and bounds in your spiritual growth, Embers will support you on your journey and help make it a more enjoyable and more loving experience. Email

Michael J. Bellamy likes to keep a very low profile, but had agreed for the following data to be revealed: he is a writer, has one book in print as of today, entitled "Mr P", set in war-time Hong Kong, and is at work on the novel "Nadezhda: A tale of a Russian princess". He is also an actor and an aspiring filmmaker. "Angels of death", that we are honoured to present to you in this issue, is an excerpt from his novel "Wandering Soul." Email
