The Cone of Power

Dedicated to Free Spirits everywhere

Our mandate is to provide a forum for discussions on varied topics such as: spirituality of all cultural traditions including but not limited to healing ways, shamanism, astral travel, magick, growth, enlightenment and transformation, self-empowerment and self-actualization, dreams, visions, journeys, quests and meditations, spirit guides of all forms and manifestations, teachings, herbal and animal lore, ecological concerns, theosophy, metaphysics, quantum mechanics. Myths and legends, fables and fantasy, fact and fiction in poetry and prose. Recipes and potions, book and music reviews, ranting, raving and gut-spilling, humour and solemnity, all opinions are honoured and respected.

Winter Solstice Issue

Samhain issue
Vernal Equinox issue
A word from the editor


Earth Changes

Voodoo Basics

Dolphins, Messengers of Hope

Book Excerpt

Music reviews



Crone's Corner

Magickal Mirror

Doors of Perception

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