Dolphins, messengers of hope

by Delphine Clearwater

Dolphins, since the times of old have delighted the mystics and the child in us. They often come to guide us through trials of passages acting as beacons and lighthouses.

When I swam with dolphins, I was intimately brought into their world of fluidity through their natural state of playfullness. Their sensual natural undulating movements, much like love-making, validated my own inherent life force. I felt transformed cellularly right down to the molecular structure of my DNA code, electrically, biochemically and magnetically.

Dolphins see people as they really are, without their masks and defences. Through their seeing or inter-relating with me on a physical cellular level, I was able to recognize and remember who I really am.

When you are seen truly for who you are and are embraced unconditionally, you are changed permanently. Illusion no longer cuts it for you. You are free to swim in the waters of life again as your self, unencumbered by false beliefs. The sonar within you has been activated and you live from within, rather than from outside the self. Acting as guides and messengers, dolphins help us see through separation or delusion, no matter what tricks the mind plays. Love is all around us when we choose to open our eyes, when we have cast off our burdens, we are able to be fully present - alive and passionate, appreciating the Beauty within and around us .

Yet, the dolphins are only the Messengers. To honor them is sacred; to worship them as separate from us can only bring delusion.

We have been given an enormous responsibility by the Creator to caretake our natural resources and her creatures. I believe that can only happen when we connect to our wild nature and its inherent wisdom. Then, we will truly understand ourselves and our planet, allowing our compassion to surface to aid ourselves, our families and our global family.

Dolphins reminded me that every Breath is precious - that it is the gift of life. Now, that's real love!
Follow your bliss with love, compassion, passion and play.
