Stupid things we have done/said
This is a page that I have created to forever show the world how stupid we really are. If I forgot anything, feel free to email me with more stuff that you have done or have seen done that I can put here. New additions in bold.
Contributions from: Me
                             Scott (Shig)
                             Jeanette (J-NET)
And now, the no particular order

Calvin (WACKMASTER!!!!)
"I know what a tank top is, but what's a tampon?"

After hearing someone(Mat?) say to someone else, 'you're out of wack!'
             "I got some at my house!!" (hence, wackmaster)

At Burger King
              "What's a whooper?"

In the middle of a dodgeball game
              "I'm hungry"

About the LAN party
               "yeah, I asked my mom, and she was all IYIYIYEIYEADIY!!!!"

"YEAH!!! TOAST!!!!"

When a classmate asks him, 'do you have an older brother?', he doesn't hear properly... and responds
          "Probably".............."What's his name?"

After hearing others talking about coming out of closets.....again, he cant hear them...
           "I have two closets!"

          "The post is fastly approaching my proximity!!"

Mat, Adrienne and Anna are walking down the hall....Mat is doing his Ernie impression
          "No Bert, * I will not have sex with you"....Anna only hear's the part after the *.....

On Canada Day (Oh! Canada!), we were waiting for the fireworks at the KRC....then we all decided to be stupid and go for a 4 hour walk around town (well, it actually lasted until about 4AM, but i went home before that)....anyways, we found ourselves at a playground and we managed to persuade Mat to climb onto it's roof (Hey, Mat! go onto the roof!.....OK!!!).....well, he managed to get up there....and that's it....we spent a good 15 minutes getting him back onto the ground.

Mat and Mike H. are walking along the wall at school, there are two benches that have been placed along the wall, Mat and Mike walk up to each of them
Mat: "my bench is better than your bench"...he proceeds to jump onto it, without realizing that it isn't bolted to the falls forward and takes out his legs...Mike can't stop laughing

Scott (Shig)
After getting back a lab....or test...or quiz.....argh...something in physics that he did crap on
        "UGH!!! I'm.....too many...stupid cheeses to my own farts!!!!!........see what I mean??"


At Denny's, apparently you can add cherry flavouring to any drink for 29 cents, so....
        "I'll have a cherry chocolate coke"
waiter: "huh??"
         "umm....cherry chocolate milk"

Also at Denny's
       "Don't make me thumb you, beyooooooaaa"


when at Adrienne's place for a DnD session, some ppl decided to crash there....her brother said he'd rape anyone who touched his bass....later, Scott asks "what tool will be used for the raping?" ...and he said (in a growly voice of course) " MINE" can probably imagine Scott's face at this point

Clarence (Me!!!)
After impersonating Calvin impersonating his mother (see above)
         "I'm doing Calvin doing Calvin's mom!....wait....."

YEAH, YOU CAN DO IT!!!!   NO!!! Don't fall over!!! ( I promptly fall over )

(playing Medal of Honour)
(sneaking around in the bushes.......unknown to me, at the time, Mat was in a sniper tower just above that point, he decides to chuck a grenade.....for no reason...) My screen.......tink, tink, tink....BOOM!!!!!

on jet lag
         "this sucks royal goat ass-crack wipes"

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