::next kiriban at 2600::
::rememember, if you win the kiriban, you get a fic of
any fandom, any genre, any coupling, just nothing NC17...unless, you know, you convince me or something...::
: : g u a v  a : :
: :  j u s t  .  b u d  d i n g : :
::Hello my pretties! We're BACK IN BUSINESS!! *does the snoopy dance*::

::OKay! If you visit my other sites, you'll know that I've been enrolled in a summer class that has me around computers and such for about 4 hours a day. Now, this class focuses on digital photography, but I will have free time (as far as I know)  to update this and my other sites as much as possible!::

::Therefore if you've got fics you've been waiting to send to me because you didn't know when I'd get my lasy arse up and out of my school-induced stupor to "freaking update once in a while you wench!" (I love you too, Frankie), then now's the time! Everyone, ::guava:: is back and going to be better than ever! For the first time in over a year *does the snoopy dance again* we're going to UPDATE!
Send it all in! ::

::Remember, destinies change, lives change and Toei didn't say nuttin! Keep the dream alive!:
Oh goody! Updates! Maybe I'll even win the kiriban...
: : n a v a g a t e   .   p i  n k :  :

::daikeruri . triangle::
::new section to be added when triangle is on its feet::
::what's YOUR opinion on the whole takeruri thing?::
::I've scoured the web and found some shrines on hiatus and some active ones::
::ah, the mind of the fans AND come see the pic for our one-year anniversary from waaay back in March!!::
::spit out the seeds::

::new section to be added soon...it's RANTING TIME!::
: : 0 6  .   1 6   .  0 3  : :
: : n a v i g  a t e  .  r  e a l m : :
::fruit basket::
::tropical punch::