: : p u l p : :

::title - My Girl::
::author -
::rating - G::
::summary- Daisuke writes a letter to Hikari, what will happen when he delivers it?::

title - exchange::
::author - ME!::
ating - PG::
summary - Hikari and Mimi both win a special exchange student program's essay contest, but what they don't know is that they themselves will be exchanged!::


::title - One Year Anniversary a.k.a. I LOVE GUAVA!!::
::artist - maitanziao::
::rating - G::
::I'm so honored that we got a pic! Love, love, looooove it! Thank you so much!::

::*rubs hands together manaically* Ah, we've got a first fanart of both the site and the couple. There is a God! ^_~ So, about the next chapter of my "brilliant work" Exchange? Well, I've got a preview that's going to be put up there soon with a little Michi in it and some Hikari in America action, but nothing too wild or exciting. I'm saving that for the actual chapter.::

::Do you have a Daikari fanfiction or a Daikari fanart you'd like to send to me? Please
e-mail! and put "guava fic" in the subject line::

::The more Daikari supporters we have, the more Daikari site's we'll get! And the bigger and better ::guava:: will get!::
~Muse: Wonderful logic.~
::Shut up.::