Amazon Home

Phantom Tribe of the Amazon
Members and Ranks

The Phantom Tribe of the Amazon is the first of the Celestial Eclipse clans. Citizens that wish to join the CE Realm as an Amazon will be able to play and earn points with any character class, but will be ranked here. Please read the info that has been gathered about the Amazon culture and feel free to view pictures that have been gathered and made.

Amazon Skills::
Strategy Guide, Screenshots, and Skill Trees
Javelins and Spears

Starting Attributes

Strength: 20
Dexterity: 25
Vitality: 20
Energy: 15
Hit Points: 50
Stamina: 84
Mana: 15

Each Character Level

Life +2
Stamina +1
Mana +1.5

Attribute Point Effect

1 Vitality point gives 3 Life
1 Vitality point gives 1 Stamina
1 Energy point gives 1.5 Mana

Amazons in Diablo II are the users of bows, spears and javelines. The Amazon, Sorceress, Barbarian, Necromancer, or Paladin from D2 will each be able to use these weapons. But not with the mastery of the Amazon. Amazons can throw long ranges, use mulitple shot, and still have the armor to fight up close. However, each Amazon will have to buy or find arrows and bolts for her bows and be careful to repair both weapons and armor.

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