Avantgarde continued
I used my old school techniques using PlasticWood and primer mixed with talc. This was done for nostalgias sake. The rear is a little different from the first version. I just found that old rear photo. The new version has the taillights set a bit higher and a little more contemporary.
The finished primer body. One reccuring comment is that this looks like something Studebaker might have really made. I think so too.
What was I thinking ? Tubs are all narrow at the bottom because of mold release issues. I need to rework the interior and by the way, I channeled the body and sectioned the interior.
I decided it needed the doors cut open. The doors are way too thick This is caused by by the model using an interior tub. Since I opened the trunk I added a little trunk detail based on some Stude trunk photos I found on the internet.