(26/12/97 - 1/1/98)

THE FIFTH DAY: Tuesday, 30 December 1997

After a boring day, we did have a day of visiting. In the morning, we visited Tsinghua University and Peking University. Both the universities are very large, resembling small cities. Buildings in Tsinghua University are western styled while those of Peking University are traditional Chinese.

Afterwards, we went to the Summer Palace, or ¶ê©ú¶é. What impressed me there is the artificial lake, which is large in size. You can see a ferry like structure erected on the lack. Being a fake one it was built by stones. The lake was covered by ice as the temperature was fallen below zero. We have spent our afternoon there. One cannot but appreciate the beauty of Chinese culture. At night, we enjoyed  our dinners in a restaurant. Then we went out to a pub near Wangfujing (¤ý©²¤«¤jµó) . To tell you the truth, we spent our time on the street every night. To reach our destination, we ridded in taxis. Taxi drivers in Beijing usually go back home after 11:00. We caught in a dilemma one night when we couldn't catch any taxi on the street. At that time, weather was cold and wind was blowing strong. Of course we were managed to reach our dormitory. By how? Don't ask please.
That night we first went to a pub and later we went to an Underground Station to have a ride on the Beijing Mass Transit Railway. The fare for the underground system in Beijing is the same, no matter where you go. We stopped our underground journey at a station near BMU and we returned to the University by taxi. Yes, taxi again.


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