Secret Society of Super-Villains #4, December 1976


"When Theives Fall Out..."


Editor:Gerry Conway
Writer: David A. Kraft
Artist:Pablo Marcos, Ernie Chua and Vince Coletta
Cover ArtErnie Chua (signed 1976)

Feature Characters

Captain Cold
Gorilla Grodd
- appears next in issue #8.
Mirror Master I
Star Sapphire II
- Banished to "Limbo" by the Wizard in this story. Appears next in Justice League of America #167
The Wizard
Captain Boomerang
Captain Comet

Mantis the Power Parasite
Green Lantern
Kalibak the Cruel
- appears next in Adventure #459
Funky Flashman - A charlatan and rogue. Assumes leadership of the Secret Society in this story. Last seen in Mr. Miracle #6
The Black Racer - Messenger of Death on Apokolips. Last seen in New Gods #12.

Other Characters

Funky Flashman's various underlings


The issue opens with several members of the Secret Society berating the Wizard and Sinestro for their lack of contribution in the battle with Mantis. The two villains scoff at their team-mates, who in turn attack them. A brief melee ensues and Hi-Jack is banished by the Wizard. The two villains make a quick escape courtesy of Sinestro's power ring. Before the Society can pursue them, Manhunter calls for order and preparation against Darkseid's inevitable arrival.

Shortly afterward, Star Sapphire arrives with Green Lantern. She slips into ths shadows leading to Darkseid's lair, assuming the Emerald Gladiator is right behind her. Instead, he is waylaid by Mantis, recovering in the shadows from his defeat at the hands of the Secret Society. Mantis is badly depleted of energy and goads Green Lantern into a confrontation. As the battle progresses, Mantis saps the energy out of Green Lantern's ring, become more and more powerful. The boastful villain exults that the power derived from the Oan ring will make him more powerful even that Darkseid. At such an oppurtune moment, the Lord of Apokolips arrives.

Elsewhere in San Francisco, Sinestro and the Wizard return to the Sinister Citadel to contact Darkseid. There they find "Funky" Flashman, a notorious scoundrel who had had dealings with Mr. Miracle. Flashman claims that he is there to provide salvation from the villains worst foe: their own reputation. After capturing the villains attention, he begins to make the villains a proposal...

At Darkseid's hidden retreat, Star Sapphire finds her fellow villians preparing for battle. When quizzed on her whereabouts, she claims to have coerced Green Lantern into joining them. As she turns to point him out, the villains are surprised by Kalibak, standing behind her. A battle ensues, with most of the villains quickly defeated by Kalibak. Grodd, however, is not so easily turned aside and he and Kalibak battle across San Francisco. In a battle of brute force, the two batter each other until Grodd, feigning defeat, bludgeons Kalibak from behind. Exhausted from his victory, Grodd too, lapses into unconsciousness. Meanwhile, Mantis attempts to defeat Darkseid using the energy from Green Lanter's power ring. He is easily humbled by Darkseid, who prepares to dispense of Mantis and finally, the Secret Society. As Mantis cowers, the Black Racer appears, the entity whose presence always heralds death!

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