Fáilte chuig 'The Tavern' a chara (Welcome to 'The Tavern' my friend.)

The Site


The Game

The Game by Mythic Entertainment due for release this October, 2001.

The Setting:
It is the time just after the death of King Arthur. His kingdom of Albion sorely misses his firm leadership, for the ancient land is under constant threat of invasion by the wild magical Celts from the western island of Hibernia as well as from the wild and uncivilized Norse from the icy lands of Midgard, far to the north.

- Taken from the DAoC website.

This is more of a personal webpage, and not a Dark Age of Camelot Information site. We will be posting our screenshots of the game, our stories, and experiences within this site.

If you wish to view information on the game, please check out the "The Game" or, "The Links".

Thank you and enjoy.

The News: August 24, 2001.
More Screenshots! :)

We will not be back in game until about August 29th or 30th. :( BUT we still have more screenshots added. Occoria, Celtic Blademaster and honorary bard, sent in a few screenshots to share. :)

Awhile ago we also added a few more screenshots to the Midgard and Hibernia sections. Mostly stuff like different blade effects, and training shots.


The News: August 15, 2001.
Marc and I will not be on DAoC for about a week. :( Until we are back in DAoC, we will work on fixing up our little Tavern here. One of the changes we plan on making...is changing our pics in the screenshots section to thumbnails for easier viewing/loading. (Thanks to Romex of Camelot Castle for suggesting this to us.)

We still do have a few screenshots that need to be added to our site. Though, until our trigger-happy little screenshot fingers are back into the game, we won't have a great deal of newer ones to share.


The News: August 13, 2001.
Norenna goes Realm vs Realm!!!

Last Saturday, August 11, Norenna reached level 15 and then went and checked the Battleground out with three friends. I put up four pages of screenshots from her first Realm vs Realm experience. Check 'em out! :P


The News: August 10, 2001.
More Screenshots!!

Marc has added quite a few screenshots from his game experience. I have also added a few more of my own screenshots. We have also, finally put together a little title graphic for our page. :)


The News: August 8, 2001.
Well, I found out tonight that you can only have a maximum of about 998 screenshots in the DAoC file. I have taken several screenshots in the past couple days. Some of Quests my characters have been on, some of grouping experiences. Screenshots of different races, and classes. Yet, I already had well over 900 screenshots already in my file. So, most of the screenshots I took over the past couple days are gone. :(

I will be adding a few links to the site. I grouped with a few kool people in the past few days. Some have their own websites. I'll put a little * by the sites created by people I have 'met' online.


The News: August 3, 2001.
News so far, this site template was created just today. Links should all be working now. Hopefully soon we'll have Marc's screenshots up and veiwable, as well as some stories.

We still need to put together some kind of title graphic. :(


The Links
Knights of the Holy Grail
The Sacred Brotherhood

Camelot Nexus
Of Camelot
Camelot Castle
French DAoC Site

Realm Sites
Circle of Hibernia *
Albion Apotheosis

Class Specific
Bards of Camelot *