
Random Stuff


FAQ Page of Nothingness!
As soon as people start asking questions frequently the sooner I'll put something on this page.  But since I haven't recreated my site until recently I don't expect to put anything up here yet.  Actually, I really don't care if the question is frequently asked or if it's just some topic you want to bring up for debate.  Just get in touch and tell me what it is and you'll see it here.  If you have a question that you want answered here then email me ( or post it in the slacker guestbook.

Q:  How come there isn't anything being answered on the FAQzor page?
A:  There is now.

Q:  Will you ever have anything useful on this website?
A:  No.

Q:  Why would I ask you questions in the first place?
A:  I don't know!  Stop bothering me. sheesh....