The Reindeer's Revenge - Part 2
Eventually an Elf heard Vixen's yelling and pounding on the door. He let the poor reindeer out, and before he could ask what happened, Vixen started shouting, "Santa! Don't let him eat the food! Donner, Dancer, Prancer and Dasher an' Blitzen they... they've poisoned it!
"Whoa, calm down Vixen!" the elf said, "What are you talking about?"
"C'mon, we've gotta save Santa!" Vixen exclaimed, running down the hall. He hoped that he wasn't too late.
"Santa's in trouble?" the elf said, "Oh! Maybe that's what this emergency meeting is about. Prancer and Donner said that it's really important. It must be, to have it at dinnertime."
"Meeting! No, don't go!" Vixen yelled, turning around quickly, "Tell all of the elves to go to the Dining Hall. Santa needs our help!" Vixen continued running, leaving the elf behind, wondering what to do. The elf decided to go to the meeting and see if Santa was there. If he wasn't, he would tell the other elves that there was a problem.
The elf ran to the Assembly Hall and looked around. Rudolf was the only reindeer there. Prancer and Donner were standing outside of the hall for some reason. Santa Claus was no where to be seen, so the elf feared that Vixen was right.
"Hey, everybody," the elf yelled, as loud as he could, "Santa is in trouble! Some of the reindeer are trying to kill him! They've got to be stopped!" No sooner had he spoke this words than the two large doors slammed shut. Every one rushed to see what happened, and the doors wouldn't budge. They had been bolted closed from the outside. Panic and confusion spread quickly. They were trapped!
Vixen ran through the North Pole halls like he had never run before. Turning a corner, he suddenly saw two large brown bodies on the floor. He tripped over them and fell painfully. He picked himself up and saw Comet and Cupid on the floor, each with a bump on their head. He had no time to waste, so he ran on without helping them. Right now, Santa was his priority. He was almost there. He could now see the doors. He pushed them open and yelled, "Santa! No! Wait!"
Inside, Santa was sitting at the head table. Dancer, Dasher and Blitzen were sitting at the designated reindeer table, eating their reindeer moss stew and watching happily while Santa chewed a piece of meat. Hearing Vixen yell, he turned and looked.
"Santa, don't eat that meat! They poisoned it."
"Why, what are you talking about? This meat tastes fine." Santa said. Dancer and Dasher tried to make Vixen stop talking but he explained their scheme before they dragged him out of the room. "Oh, no Santa," Blitzen said, "Vixen's all wrong! We would never do anything like that! You know, I think he's sick. Sick in the head! It happens sometimes. Yep, Vixen's just gone crazy."
"Blitzen, how could you do this to me?" Santa replied mournfully, "Don't try to fool me. I know a lie when I hear one."
"Yeah, well, you ate enough to kill you. And the milk was poisoned too! Good riddance! You better enjoy the next couple of hours, 'cause their gonna be your last!"
Just then, Rudolf came flying in, closely followed by Comet and about 20 elves. Comet had regained consciousness and open the doors for the elves.
"Quick, Santa, jump on my back! I know a good doctor that might have an antidote. If we hurry, we can get there in time!" Rudolf shouted. Santa obeyed and off they flew, braking a window to create an exit. The elves attacked Dancer, Blitzen, and Dasher, and they had Prancer and Donner tied to chairs in the Assembly Hall. Even though the elves were fierce, Dancer managed to escape and he chased after Santa. Seeing this, Vixen flew out the window, determined to stop Dancer.
Vixen was fast, but Dancer was faster. Santa was slowing Rudolf down and Dancer was getting ever closer. Suddenly, Santa felt a tremendous pain in his stomach. It was if his intestines were on fire! Santa turned his head to the side and vomited. Maybe it was luck or maybe it was a miracle, but the puke hit Dancer in the face, temporally blinding him. This was when Rudolf chose to dive down below the clouds. Dancer could not find him when he wiped the vomit out of his eyes. Santa made it to the hospital safely.
The doctor had a cure, and Santa recovered before December. The elves killed Blitzen in the struggle. Dancer became a wandering hobo and eventually died of starvation. Donner, Dancer and Prancer were able to escape with only minor injuries. It is rumored that the are living as fugitives in Mexico to this day.
Part 1