
Back to Mexico

La Clinica Bethesda

Back to Xocenpich

La Clinica Bethesda is a two-year nursing school and usually serves 7-10 student nurses.  We have the pleasure of dining with these young girls a few times during our week-long stay in Xocenpich.  They prepare delicious meals and after dinner, sing beautiful songs to us.  We, of course, sing back at them ... but we never sound quite as melodious as they do.

Femia is Ulises' wife and the head nurse at the Clinic.  She is also responsible for teaching the nursing students.  She had somehow narrowly escaped being captured on film the first two trips I made.  On this last trip, however, I was determined not to let it happen again.  Somehow, with the color of her shirt and the Bugambilia backdrop, I think she won.