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Vacation Bible School in Xocenpich

The Vacation Bible School is held on the steps and ball court of the Bible Institute.  This institute is for young boys wishing to go to seminary, but who have not completed the necessary schooling for admittance into the seminary.  After two years of coursework and weekend evangelical outings, these boys move on to assist pastors in various Presbyterian churches throughout the Yucatan and neighboring states.  Some as far south as Chiapas, where Presbyterians find it a challenge to preach and worship.

For three or four afternoons, more than 250 children come from Xocenpich, as well as from neighboring villages, to share in the word of God.  There is song time, story time, and group time.  At times, it is difficult to tell who gets more out of it ... the children or the visiting church members.

For me, it fills a space in my heart I never knew was empty.

The Wedding Feast

Each day, the children are led in activities pertaining to that day's parable in group time.  Here, the girls made wedding veils and the boys made stoles.  We then had a "feast" of ... cookies.