Their’s the blame

 the idle rich

who feed themselves with buttered bread

and roll on beds of gold

who roast their pie

on your country’ conflagration

and line their coats

by selling ammunition

dealers of death

Their’s the blame

who, hymns of peace upon their lips

raised and an empty dream

of united world

the League of Nations

but secretly

fished and carved for sheer self-aggrandisement

speaking words of disarmament

bit building up piles

of death dealing weapons

And their’s

Who conniving with ulterior motives

lost all words of righteous protest

at your country’ violation

deaf and dumb sat counting

the golden coins in their wallets

Their’s the blame

who sobbed and sighed

and blame here too

that empress of yours

who wasted all the treasure

raised by taxing famished peasants

in reckless aestheticism

money saved

for armored ships to defend the land

by wise


spent and wasted in a pleasure yatch

of gold and ivory

the Taj Mahal of Chinese craftsmanship

with jeweled frescoes, pearl borders

and gold enamel

where craftsmen laboured for months and months ….


When such a yatch

Began to sail on the royal lake

The premier beat his brow

And muttered sorely


“Oh yes, Oh yes

if tomorrow

the arrogant ships of the Japanese

surround and attack this land of ours

surely this dainty fleet

of our royal queen

will be a match and more than so.

now where is the problem of defence.”





These wanton rulers of your unfortunate land

they are those who sinned against you

their’s the blame


And your war lords

how much to blame are they

to gorge themselves with selfish hopes

and rule in full autocracy

who fought amongst themselves

out off from  their country’s  body

an arm with brother arm

plundered marauded, laid desolate

the prosperous garden, the motherland

bathed it in rivers of brotherly blood

and even yielded to the country’s foe

victorious rose with his cursed blessing

strong in his strength

to scathe your country’s power

they are those who sinned against you

their’s the blame


And those who step to usurp a throne

when the nation lies ableeding

puppet kings of an alien power

who dare not gaze

on the midday sun

ablaze on your banner

who revel in chains of an alien power

who suck and bite

and crack and eat

the very bones of their native land

like dogs on a lead

they are those  who have sinned against you

their’s the blame


And why not ours

we , your neighbours

four hundred millions, only a burden to mother earth

slaves of circumstances

unable even to move a finger

with hearts as cold

as the high Himalayas

unthawed as yet

by your country’s conflagration

waiting with frozen wills

for some unknown



Oh world decaying

striving to live

each denying life to other

lost for ever in mean endeavour

of snatching other’s lands

with plenty of room for all of us

to live in peace and joy

fighting and killing

all in utter folly


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