.Where in the midst of rich abundance

of life giving food

famine man-made stalks

starvation holds the day

set a foot by those  exploiters

who never lend a hand

to till the land

but only sell and retail

each cutting the throat of other

which pays a greater price

for the so called precious metal

than for the priceless human life

which flings a fortune o’er an oysters spittle

and treats like dirt

the sweat of human brow 


Which throws but a penny

for fruits of human labour

hard won as gems

from within the womb of stone

Where science or economics

only spells disaster

Where power vests with impertinence

and reason plays the slave of cash

That decaying world

must suffer the dire doom

for having braced illusion

and spurned reality the doom of war


the conquered and the  conqueror 

May the final doom of total annihilation

fall at last upon that dying world


of that world

and all its deadly dying civilisation

There’s no regret

No, not a tear

Left for it with us

We are only amassing fuel enough

for a funeral pier

with the sole care

that this deadly war

may prove to be its last gasp

last and final

with no escape into a prolonged life –in-death 



from the ashes of decaying old world

will rise the phoenix of the new

the new world

with new conditions and organisations

new commandments and aspirations

the phoenix

spreading its wings over the globe  of the earth



the dove of peace

humming not the feeble note of truce

‘twixt end of one and spark of another war

but the mighty bird

gripping away the war mongers in its massive claws

like mighty elephants

in the claws of  Shanti Bhirund

the Bhirunda

of the new world


That new world

will wake and rise but now

will speak no more baby talk of utopian equality

liberty and fraternity

but will forge a brotherhood

of urgent who list reality

a creative urge spreading in young resurgent blood

inspiring it with strength of sympathy

to share with equal care

the fruits of earthly life

the blessings of the earth

and her toil too 

That new world

astir with your poignant cry

comes along

oh surely comes to lift you up

to tend you with gentle care

It’s then that you will see a dawn

An age of joy and hope for you

Only wait …

‘twill surely lift you with gentle care 

For you are its source of strength

its only love

For you alone

These noble plans of world order

For you, little babes, its true  citizens

Its glory ever fresh


There it comes

Surely comes

That brave new world

Spreading  the smiles of new hopes


It shall not stand

Not for a minute those eyes of yours

So wild with fright

Now brush those tears ,will you, and smile a lot

But wait a minute

Little one

Let that dying world have a last glimpse

A haunting look at its ghastly deed

Those eyes of yours

Wild with fright



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