Howdy, You have reached the page of Amanda & Earl, we live in Colorado.

This page will contain some information about us, our family and our interests.
It will be updated at least once a month, so keep checking back.
I hope you find it enjoyable.

Animated Flag

See me live on my webcam. View My Webcam
See me live on my webcam.

Pepper is Now 4 1/2 yrs Old

We've aquired a 1982 Hallmark Pop-up Truck Camper!! We're really excited about going camping this Summer.
As always, check out the Family News page for the skinny and pix.

GO AV'S!!!!

----- Family News ----- Hockey -----
----- Hunting Reports ----- 4 Wheelin - Camping ----- Sports Stuff ----- Home Theater -----

Please email me if for nothing else but to say 'Hello'.

This Page First Published on December 18, 1999