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  • COVENANT: The Search For New Politics...
    "Out of the heap of ashes of your failures will rise your success!"

The mention of politics rings confusion. We hear: "Marumi ang politika!" "Ang disenteng tao ay di dapat makialam sa politika! Dahil sa politika laganap ang 'graft and corruption'".

But the truth stands: No nation exists without politics. In fact, every decision that has public reach is a political decision. Every law takes effect because of a political action.

When the constituencies of a nation together with their government get their acts together we have a political will which is essential for the unity and solidarity of a nation. Only then will a nation progress.

What I am going to talk about is a search for a new politics. It is a search for ways and means whereby politics operate as it should for the good of a people. We call the new politics COVENANT. It is a covenant by which the nation together with their government get their acts together to have a political will for the common good. The word COVENANT resonates with God's pledge with his people: "I will be your God, You shall be my people."


The story of NEW POLITICS OR COVENANT is a story of a search for a new politics which will give new rays of hope to the nation and its constituency. The search stems from 'the heap of ashes' of the recurring failure of our Philippine politics to 'deliver the goods'. The present politics is so littered with graft and corruption from top down; there is constant bickering among politicians for the sake of their vested interests. Consequently, the hope of the nation is fast receding, and its constituency is driver to near-despair.

Out of this heap of ashes of our failures to get our acts together as a nation, we sustain the hope that someday will rise our success as a nation, as a people with a political will and who can stand among the nations of the world "taas noo, kapitbisig" on our way to authentic human development of the whole human person, body and spirit, and for all human persons.

EDSA I was an unexpected historico-political event. Who would think that President Marcos who was well entrenched in power would be ousted? But Providence had it otherwise. Crisis developed in the issue of peace and order; financial stability became precarious; his 'lupus' disease disabled him from functioning the way he used to. This over-all situation created a lacuna in the governance of the nation, which gave the opportunity to his wife, Imelda, and Gen. Ver to do their 'own thing' - in fact, both were suspect as the agents who connived in the assassination of Ninoy Aquino. This last incident was believed to have been 'the straw that broke the camel's back'.

Victimized by the abuse of political power the people had enough of the bitter gall under the Marcos 'dictatorship'. Numberless victims were summarily killed ('salvaged'). Marcos and his cronies plundered the coffers of the nation. The poor were getting poorer which the rich were getting richer. Freedom of the press was suppressed.

Fortunately people did not have recourse to violence. On the contrary, people sought a venue where they could display and make their grievance forcefully heard against the Marcos regime. They gathered in EDSA and raised their voices: "Sobra na, tama na, palitan na!". A bloodless ouster of the dictator followed. "Napalitan nga, pero may pagbabago ba? Wala!"

Traditional Politicians (Trapos) who were during the martial law regime sidelined now bounced back. They came back and worked out again their scheming in a system that they have mastered where they could satisfy anew their starved interests.

The military hardly gave up the power that the martial law regime allotted to them. They practically held hostage the government of President Cory Aquino by staging one military coup after the other, about six of them. Because of this threat that hanged like the sword over Damocles' head, President Aquino failed to resolve the assassination of her husband, Ninoy, which was popularly attributed to military connivance.

President Ramos took over from President Aquino. He focused on strengthening our economy. Like the other Presidents who preceded him he pinned his hopes for our economy on the IMF/WB tandem and the TNCs. While seemingly the economy showed stability, serious economic problems were passed on later to his successor.

Hope seemed to have returned when the overwhelming popular vote installed Joseph "Erap" Estrada as President of the Philippine Republic. His campaign slogan "Erap para sa mahirap!" caught fire among the impoverished masses and spread like wildfire.

But this hope was short-lived. A former 'companion in arms' of Erap double-crossed him. Chavit Singson, the governor of Ilocao Norte, squealed and made public Erap's plunder of the nation's treasury. He accused Erap of having accumulated 3.5 billion pesos through graft. Once opened, Pandora's box revealed facts and data that led to the impeachment of President Erap Estrada.

Riding on the crest of this public expose' the businessmen and the middle-class joined the public denunciation. This protest and demonstration escalated to an EDSA II.

EDSA II resounded with a similar cry as that of EDSA I but withy a qualitative difference. It is not anymore just "palitan na". It is something more: "Sobra na, tama na, ayusin na!" It happened in the wake of the impeachment of President Erap Estrada. The people saw that the adiminstration of the nation should be set right. Ayusin na ang pamamalakad ng pamahalaan. We need good governance. Good governance calls for a civil society. Using the definition of President Lincoln of democracy, civil society is the 'rule of the people'.

The million-dollar question is: WHO will straighten out what has to be straightened out in the political life of the nation? The people upstairs? Or the people downstairs? Or people both upstairs and downstairs? But whose voice should prevail? The voice of the many or that of the few?

EDSA II occasioned the clarification of who holds the political power according to our Philippine constitution. The Constitution states that the citizenry is the rightful holder of the political power of the nation! The citizenry entrusts its political power to the government officials whom they vote into office. And this transfer of political power from the hands of the citizenry to the hands of the office holders has an accompanying mandate. And that is, government officials must exercise political power for the common good and not for their own vested interest. Neither must they exploit the citizenry, violating their constitutional freedom, through vote-buying.


It is in the climate of this new unrest that the COVENANT was born. If constitutionally the citizenry is the rightful holder of political power, then civil society should pay attention to the citizenry. The citizenry should be conscientized, that is, made conscious of their rights and duties, enlightened and organized for political action, guided by ethical principles, towards good governance, demanding from the government the services with their accompanying budget that the government owes the citizenry.


  1. Sustainable development starts from the bottom going up.
  2. Participation of the people from below is motivated by personal consciousness with an ethical principle.
  3. The people's personal consciousness leads to personal "owning" of the action to be taken.
  4. Political will happens when all parties involved get their acts together.
  5. These parties are people elected to government office, government line-agencies, organized sectors (peasant farmers, labor sectors, indigenous people, women, youth) religious groups, church people (bishops, priest, laity).
  6. Regular meetings hould be held.
  7. transparency and accountability must prevail in relationships and group program and action.
  8. Last, but not the least, the nature of COVENANT, as a non-partisan group, should be zealously upheld.

The NEW POLITICS OR COVENANT calls for a Revolution. The Heart of the Revolution is the Revolution of the Heart. Every believer of New Politics must strive for Self-Conversion to God for the sake of the Common Good. The Common Good is Nourished and Sustained by Self-Expression, Self-Determination and Self-Fulfillment. This is New Politics or Covenant. This is the path for real People Empowerment.




Ang Bagong Lahing Pilipino Development Foundation, Incorporated, 2007