Ang Bagong Lahing Pilipino Development Foundation, IncorporatedAng Bagong Lahing Pilipino Development Foundation, Incorporated
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Our Strategies

Development is lasting and sustainable if it is fully guided by the parameters and strategies:


  • Economic activity, productivity and profitability are circumscribed by the limits of the earth's fragile integrity and carrying capacity and the rights and responsibilities of human beings for a more equitable distribution of economic resources and products, social justice, peace, true democracy, freedom and respect for indigenouse and Filipino values and culture.
  • National sovereignty, social/human development and ecological integrity are not curtailed, eroded, sacrificed and/or ultimately destroyed in the prcess of opening up the economy to world trade and invenstments.
  • Development policies are redirected to minimize and mitigate and eventually arrest and reverse the human, social and ecological costs of conventional economic modernization.
  • The pursuit of economic activity is in the context of more stable sustainable, socially empowering, gender sensitive and broad-based development.
  • Ecologically, economically and socially sound strategies and structures replace energy and material intensive, enviromentally degrading and economically ineffcient patterns of production, distribution and consumption.
  • Unsutainable, as well as conspicuous, luxury and excessive consumption are discourage through economics as well as social and regulatory instruments.
  • All sectors of society adopt a system approach to promote the use to safe and clean production technologies, effective recycling and waste minimization techniques.
  • Precautionary principle is adopted in economic and environmental management with emphasis on preventive rather than mitgating measures.
  • Labor is no longer reduce to a commodity and is thus protected from exploitative unsafe and unhealthy terms and conditions of employment and arbitrary business adjustment policies toward market uncertainties.
  • Filipino creativity, skills, initiative, diligence and other talents rather than ow wage rates become the basis of attracting domestic and foreign investment.
  • Economic progress will increasingly rely on the creative energies and ingenuity of the Filipinos; hence, investments are channeled towards the improvement of human captial and the social infrastructure.
  • Economic enterprises internalize social and ecological responsibility by carrying out business activities within the framework of sustainable development.
  • Private sector provides significant support to sustainable development efforts by being responsible for internalization of sustainable development principles within its decisions and operations as well as through direct grants, donations, financial partnerships and other innovative financing arrangements as well as sharing of technology and experties with other sustainable development actors and implementers.


Ang Bagong Lahing Pilipino Development Foundation, Incorporated, 2007