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What is ecstasy?
What does it look like?
How much does ecstasy cost?
How much should I take?
What are the risks and downsides?
How can I minimize the risks?
What pills are best?
What does the colour of the pill tell me?
What does the pill stamp tell me?


What is ecstasy?
(by Tommy Kristiansen) (back to top)
Ecstasy is a street name given to a drug called MDMA, or 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine. For the average user, however, ecstasy does not always seem to equal MDMA. For him or her, "ecstasy" often represents the pill itself not the drug that are supposed to be in the pill. As long as the pills are adulterated with drugs that have similar effects to MDMA, many people will regard the pills as ecstasy. 


What does it look like?
(by Tommy Kristiansen) (back to top)
Ecstasy is normally sold as a pill varying in colour and shape, and has a familiar symbol stamped onto it in which it gets it name. MDMA can also be found in powder form, normally inside a capsule. 


How much does ecstasy cost?
(by Tommy Kristiansen) (back to top)
Prices vary extremely according to the place of purchase. The cheapest pills can be found in Europe, especially Holland and Great Britain, where people have reported buying pills for as little as a few pounds. The normal price in the rest of the world usually around US$20-25, but varies from city to city. If you know how much a pill cost in you city, please email me. For a list of prices in different cities, take a look at the section about regional differences.  


How much should I take?
(by Tommy Kristiansen) (back to top)
The amount needed to get a desired state varies according to how long it has been since you used ecstasy the last time, how much you have used over a period of time. A normal dose is usually around 100-120mg, but pill potency varies enormously, and it is quite difficult to figure out just how potent the pills is without actually trying it. Do not trust what the dealer tells you. One pill of medium strength usually should be more than enough for first time- and casual users, whilst people who use it more frequently claim that they need at least two at once to get "up". If you are uncertain how much you should take, try half a pill first, and if that doesn't work take another half.  It normally take 40-60 minutes for the drug to kick in, but issues like nervousness, stomach content and so on can prolong the onset for as long as two hours. If you are inexperienced with the drug, avoid taking more, thinking that the pills are not potent. 


What are the risks and downsides?
(by Tommy Kristiansen) (back to top)
See section on dangers for a more thorough explanation.
There are several risks and downsides attributed to ecstasy-use. The most evident one to most users is a period of post-use depression, often referred to as the comedown. This can last anything from a few hours to several days. The magnitude of the comedown is usually directly linked to the amount of ecstasy you consumed, and how often you have used it lately. Another short-term risk is linked to the fact that the bodies immune system is often run down during a night on ecstasy. The germs received from bottle-sharing and hugging of sweaty bodies might increase the probability of deceases . A third short term risk contributed to ecstasy use is that the drug might open up your mind to thoughts you have repressed. A dark sweaty nightclub is probably not the place to realise to yourself that you are a victim of childhood abuse. Gradually over time most users complain that their short-term memory worsens. Animal studies tend to conclude that heavy use over time may cause permanent brain-damage, and lead to manic depression. The chances of dying from the use of ecstasy is relatively low, compared to most other drugs, but some instances have been reported. These are mainly concerned with adulterated pills, heart-attacks or dehydration from drinking to little water. A few deaths have also been reported from people who drank to much water.


How can I minimize the risks?
(by Tommy Kristiansen) (back to top)
Certain rules of thumb should be followed to greatly reduce the risks contributed to ecstasy use. Firstly, buy a testing kit and test the pills you are using. This is not only a good idea for reducing the risks, but will also help you from getting ripped off. Secondly do not overdo it. When you are dancing, try to take at least a few minutes break every hour or so.  Always drink enough water, but not to much either. Half a liter per hour should be sufficient for most dancing ravers. Drinking to much water will probably not kill you, but you might get sick, drinking to little water will dehydrate you which will lead to serious problems.


What pills are best?
(by Tommy Kristiansen) (back to top)
Ecstasy pills come in many shapes and colours with different stamps on them. The stamps DO NOT tell you the potency of the pills. It is just marketing tricks from the producer. If you had a white Mitsubishi last year, and that was good, you cannot automatically conclude that the white Mitsubishi you hold in your hand now is equally good. Producing ecstasy pills is illegal business, and copyright-laws is of slim concern to the producer. If a good batch is sold, you can be sure there will be copycat batches out there sooner or later. . The only way to be sure about what drugs that actually are in the pills is to chemically test them. This is very difficult and expensive business, but normal users can purchase a testing kit that tells you roughly what types of drugs the pill concern, but not how much of it. (see pill testing) 


What does the colour of the pill tell me?
(by Tommy Kristiansen) (back to top)
Nothing, it is just a marketing trick


What does the pill stamp tell me about the pills?
(by Tommy Kristiansen) (back to top)
If you purchase a white Mitsubishi one week, chances are that a white Mitsubishi next week will belong to the same batch, and have the same effects. But over a period of time, this cannot be said to be true. Pill stamps are just marketing tricks.