Eau Claire Calendar for Cancer.


Some facts about the calendar...

- In it's 3rd year.
- Has already raised near $10,000 for American Cancer Society in the past 2 yrs.
- Is open this year to Eau Claire College students.
- Is now a non-profit incorporation.
- Has a goal to raise $10,000 this year!

Calendar Available on UWEC campus.

The "College QT's of EC" calendar will be available in the Schneider hall Lobby, December 11-14 @ 10am - 2pm.

We are also hoping to have them available during finals week by the book store. Info will be updated here for those dates, times, etc.

The Crew

The Crew started with just 3 students wanting to create a 'classy' calendar. Charles Lymangood, Justin Holden, and Steve Schuett were interested in making a calendar that would allow any Eau Claire college student, either from the University or Tech College to be involved. They started the Spring of 2006 raising ideas of how they would make it happen. Charles then got involved with Steve Farina, who had coordinated the calendar for the past 2 years. Steve and his roommate were graduating and invited us to take over the project. And, so it was born!

Fall of 2007, a call went out for anyone who would desire to be involved. That crew has now grown to 10. They are as follows:

Charles W. Lymangood - Project Manager, District 4 Sales Manager.
Justin Bechtel - District 1 Sales Manager.
Nichole Reed - District 2 Sales Manager.
Justin Holden - District 3 Sales Manager.
Dan Urban - Graphic Design Manager.
Steve Schuett - Lead Photographer.
Rob Hanson - Print Editor
Ryan Ritchay - Finance Manager
Jessica Schmid - Events Planner
Nicole Henderson - Sales/Promotions