Spanish State

Through the Smoke of Atocha: A Reflection on Spanish Politics (July, 2004)

Frankenstein and the Monster: The Spanish State Left after the Elections of 25 May (July, 2003)

Behind the Elections in The Basque Country (July, 2001)

British State

Orwell and ‘The English Genius’ (January, 2004)

Murky Brown Water: Exploding the Myths Surrounding the Welsh Assembly Elections (May, 2003)

A Note on Welsh History and Politics (October, 2002)

An Assessment of the General Election (July, 2001)

Swings and Roundabouts – What Really Happened on May 6: A Report on the First Welsh Assembly Elections (November, 1999)

On the Early History of the Communist Party of Great Britain (November, 1998)

The Myths of the ‘New’ Unionism (May, 1998)

On Luddism (December, 1997)

Pricking the Balloon: The Rise and Decline of ‘Laissez-Faire (March, 1997)

The ‘Strange Death of Liberal England’? (November, 1996)

Picking Over the Ruins: Wales after Thatcher (June, 1996)

Class, Party and Revolution

Through What Stage Are We Passing? (December, 2004)

A Farewell to the Vanguard Party or a Return to Leninism? (September, 2003)

‘We Still Have Much to Learn from the Seventeenth Century’ (July, 2003)

On ‘Stalinism’ (December, 2002)

The Revolutionary Significance of What Is To Be Done? (April, 2002)

The Antinomies of Perry Anderson (January, 2002)

After the Smoke of New York (September, 2001)

The Socialist Revolution East and West: Introduction (August, 2001)

The Debate on the Bourgeois Revolution Revisited (February, 2001)

A Reflection on the Marxist Theory of History (January, 2000)

On the Historiography of the Russian Revolution (May, 1999)

February 1917: A Bourgeois-Democratic or a Proletarian Revolution? (February, 1999)

The Aim and the Movement: Bureacratism, Bernstein and the Degeneration of German Social Democracy (May, 1997)

National Question

Revolutionary Socialists and the National Question: Five Draft Points (June, 2003)

The Bolsheviks, the National Question and the Civil War in Ukraine (January, 2002)

‘The Secret of the Forest is the Trees’ (July, 2001)

Marx and Engels and the National Question (April, 1999)

The Social Base of German Nationalism before 1850 (November, 1997)

The Early Modern European State: Nation or Dynasty? (April, 1997)

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