








We hope you're looking at this because you've written something you'd like to submit to Iris. We are always looking for new material, so give a last spell check and send it on in!


Your work must be original and complete. We only accept short fiction and poetry. Your work must have a recognizable science fiction or fantasy theme. We will accept any sub-genre of science fiction or fantasy, as long as it actually is science fiction or fantasy.  Fiction that is not recognizably part of the science fiction or fantasy genres will be rejected unread. 

Fiction that we perceive to be over the top, such as fiction containing pornography or really violent scenes will not be published. Please do not send in fiction that violates any copyrights (for example, don't send in your fanfic set in the Star Trek universe). 

Send your submission in an unformatted text only file to Include the subject line SUBMISSION. Please send only one submission at a time.

Please include:

Your first and last name

A working e-mail address

The title of your piece

Your story or poem

A short biography

Iris is a free e-zine that does not include advertisements. If you wish to submit your work, do so with the full knowledge that you will not receive any compensation for it. We hope that the satisfaction of being published and having your story read and enjoyed will be worth almost as much as getting paid for it.  

If Iris decides to publish your work, you are giving us the right to publish it on the Web, for free. The copyright otherwise remains with you, the author. We archive all of our issues, and they are available online. If you do not want your work to be archived, or wish your work removed from the archives, please send an e-mail requesting it be removed or withheld to Please include the title of the piece and your first and last name.