not for the chees of heart!
    This has been the picture of my everyday life. That picture am showing to you and people sorrounding that machine. Blabbering almost at anything just to get rid of a hectic day.

      Most of my time are now devoted for doing everything for the succes of the field I had landed on. Call it dope or anything you want. Still, am stuck being just here in my work area.

      Along with that scene is an oblitirated picturesque of ton of files and unending stream of work loads everyday. Atop of it i still find ways to enjoy my day....doing something else and keeping myself busy of almost anything that my will would want to do. From mocking my officemates to chatting with my fellow-ones. The last, works to be daone are works considered done at the end of the day. Working with Gf & Partners would mean overtime and overkill.
         Am a graduate of MIT-Mapua Institute of Technology B.S. Architecture. Meet, greet, chat and spend useless hours with your same fated friends. Years have come out, doing my own stuff for my own fate.

          I enjoy alot of things and almost everything that i could put my hands on,would create an appeal to me. Im into 3d production nowadays utilizing ample of knowledge i absorbed working with my present company. But am still comfortable with my manual renderings mostly on watercolors done especially on opaque-airbrush method. The regularities of my profession pushed my to a much more effecient method by doing transparent colors and for more elaborate enough are 3d cad to viz/max.

         Am early with this kinda profession being exposed with my father as a contractor of various constructional jobs, name it we've done it. I used to play as a draftsman for the colleages of my father and mostly for the presentation of the design. Little they know that i inject some of stuff with they're designs..thus i can call it not just plain draftsworks but a design fussion of my own.

       Now im striving to have a place in this industry im in. I just came to enjoy this and hopingfully everything would fall right into place.