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National Registries / Events:

Canadian Kennel Club
American Kennel Club

White Shepherds:

White Shepherd Club of Canada
American White Shepherd Association (USA)
Braehead Kennels - Massachusetts, USA
Hoofprint Farm & Lynsden's Shepherds - Ontario, Canada


Tracking - Canadian Style
Cross Country Tracking Club (Ontario)
Tracking Club of Vermont
Craig Green's training articles
AKC Tracking Regulations


Fundy Regional Schutzhund Club - New Brunswick, Canada
German Shepherd Schutzhund Club of Canada

Dog toys, books & videos:

Dogwise - USA
Pet Suppy House - Canada

If there are problems with any of these links, please let me know!

All photos and text are the property of Heather MacLeod (unless otherwise noted), and may not be copied under any circumstances. If you are aware of a violation of this copyrighted material, please contact me!