Aesthetic Denture Experts 









A crown may be recommended for a tooth that has been weakened by decay, fracture or failure of a large, previous restoration. The advantages of a crown are derived from it's more desirable physical properties.  A crown can provide the strength necessary to withstand chewing forces, and return a  tooth's original, natural size and shape.





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When a tooth or teeth are lost and not replaced, surrounding teeth can drift from their proper position. This drifting can cause undesirable changes in the bite, and create areas between the teeth that are more susceptible to decay.  In order to prevent drifting, a fixed bridge may be recommended.  This will restore chewing function to the area of the missing teeth.




        Send mail to James  Kontos, D.D.S with questions or comments about this web site.
        Copyright © 2000 Dervish Designs DDS PA
        Last modified: November 15, 2000