"To speak out and unite... To teach and to have a voice. Take-It-Back, take back our media."
   This site is for Education and Opinion. To be enlightened to the stuff that isn't always taught. Read the articles and voice your opinion and it will be posted on the site. Soon I will be making a Zine with the articles on the site, distributed for free.
Londons Calling
Class War
The Us Tries To Get Rid Of Shia Uprising iN Najaf
World War Three Might Be Just Around The Corner Cause China is getting modern to fight the capitalist bastards - (United States)
Blind River Beach Closed Because Of E.Coli
Iran Missile Testing, its purely for defense purposes...oh and they can reach US and Isreal bases but who really cares eh ?
Protest In Quebec
Iraq, A Year Later
Showing the effects of the war and has lots of activists some from Global Exchange and Naomi Klein (No Logo), Please Check This Video Out.. Need Real Player
Video Of The Week
Online Casinos Are Stupid!
Fours Years Of Anger, Towards Bush.
RNC Not Welcome, In New York, Protest Against GOP.
1 000th Death in Iraq.. Bush Is Such An Asshole
A Little Message To US...
Religion, an article about why people refuse to see whats real and believe in fantasy.
Download the excellent London Based Class War Zine!, In PDF Form.
I actually wonder how many people are going to see that sign and not go swim,
Elliot Lake 18 Hole Golf Course
Elliot Lake and its new expansion to the golf course. Okay, well out of how many people here play fucking golf! What the 5 rich kids? No Wait its the fucking mayor and his friends. It will increase tourism right? 10 People a month? I think all that money was poorly used and it all had a personal gain, first all  they could have seen how many people even play golf and they could used the money for cleaning water of Uranium trailings and that floride that was dumped in Elliot Lake. I have never seven seen the golf course to make it they have moved out the trailer park and ruined all the lucious flowers and plants there.
Manipulating The Media and Praying On Your Insecurity, 2 Great Artciles By Anonmis, Check It Out
See Dylans Art And Many Other Cool Pictures.
This picture and the Gandhi one are FUCKING AMAZING!
No War But Class War