
This is where I'm going to put my updates from now on... the newest ones are at the top. Utena updates are in pink, and Sailor Moon updates are in blue. And because I'm lazy, they're kinda out of order, but I think you can figure it out.

(December 2) Small update! I've put a couple more pictures up on my fan art page, drawn by Tsuki. Thanks, Tsuki! ^_^ I'm not taking any more submissions, but I'd love to look at everyone's stuff, if you want to send it! Also, I fixed a little error on the Story page where I had said I hadn't seen the whole series ^^;;;

(November 11) My God, it's not actually a substantial update, is it? O_O And for once it's something I actually did and not site stuff I just moved around... Flee for the hills! I've actually drawn my own doujinshi. As I mentioned in my last update, it's pretty crappy, and short, but what the heck. The idea was floating around in my head for a long time, and it's actually been a while since I drew it... I did it maybe back in September or something. Anyway, it takes place right after Saionji and Touga's part of my fanfic Finality, so you have to read that first (or at least Saionji and Touga's part of it.) It's on my fanfiction page, under Finality.

(October 15) I've moved the artwork that isn't mine to another server, since I have so little space, and it's still linked where it used to be but since Geocities is being evil those pictures might be temporarily unavailable, if the site gets too much traffic. I don't see that happening, but if it does, it's usually up again in an hour or so. I also modified my disclaimer page because I had some random Japanese on it that was not used correctly >_< I will do something substantial, eventually... one of my friends has lost his page and I'm putting up some of his amazingly good essays as soon as I get them, and I drew a rather crappy doujinshi that I might scan.

(September 16th) Well, my domain got finalized (you may have noticed) and my homepage is at www.murasakibara.net. A token of my love for the Himemiya family ;) Anyway, I'm going to be revising this page, little by little, just to get things organized. I'm going to get some better pictures of people for the images over the character analyses links, and I took down the large versions of all those pictures, to make more room for stuff. And eventually I'll try to redo some of the analyses themselves. So maybe they'll really *be* analyses >_< Quite a few of them kinda suck right now... I wrote them so long ago that I have different (or at least more in-depth) opinions on practically all of them. So if you happen to read something that you don't agree with, e-mail me! My opinion has most likely changed, or at least become less contrived >_< And if they did stay the same, I can probably explain them better. I'll get around to it someday... I was trying to keep them all within an un-spoilt boundery, and all the spoilers are in my Satan Drives a Red Convertible page, but I want to revise them anyway. A little bit at a time ^_^

(September 9th) Ah, here's an interesting development... it seems that my web sites have been getting *so much* traffic that they exceeded the monthly Geocities limit. So, if you ever come to a part of my site that you can't get to, it might be because Geocities closed it down to get the traffic down to it's approved level. I had no idea I was so popular *sweatdrops* As a result, I will be moving my site to my new domain name, which is still pending at Geocities Pro. Since I'll still technically be using Geocities, I won't have to go through the hell of transferring my files to another server, so don't anybody worry ^_^;;; I'm not able to use my .net address until it stops being pending O_o so nothing will be changed until then, and I won't know how long it'll take for me to do any changes I might have to until I actually get the address. Does that make sense? Oh well, I think you get my drift. Nothing much will be changed, except the address, and I don't know exactly how that will work until it becomes un-pending. Uh ^_^

(August 30th) Just a short update this time. I put up another beautiful picture by Rachel, and some other very nice scetches that Bunny sent me. They're in the usual place on my fanart page ^_^ Also, since college has started, I won't be putting up any fanfiction other than my own. I really don't have time to HTML them, and I don't write much of my own lately anyway ^_^ I'll still be putting up fanart, though.

(September 9th) Ah, here's an interesting development... it seems that my web sites have been getting *so much* traffic that they exceeded the monthly Geocities limit. So, if you ever come to a part of my site that you can't get to, it might be because Geocities closed it down to get the traffic down to it's approved level. I had no idea I was so popular *sweatdrops* As a result, I will be moving my site to my new domain name, which is still pending at Geocities Pro. Since I'll still technically be using Geocities, I won't have to go through the hell of transferring my files to another server, so don't anybody worry ^_^;;; I'm not able to use my .net address until it stops being pending O_o so nothing will be changed until then, and I won't know how long it'll take for me to do any changes I might have to until I actually get the address. Does that make sense? Oh well, I think you get my drift. Nothing much will be changed, except the address, and I don't know exactly how that will work until it becomes un-pending. Uh ^_^

(June 30th, barely) Great God, an update! Yep, I've sold my soul to the dark side and created my very own Otaku Senshi! And I'm proud to say she's pretty original. And I'm all proud of my web page design, which is original, for me... the link's down at the bottom of the page, after my fan art section.

(June 22nd) I'm not dead! And I've updated my Utena page... a little. I redid some of the stuff on my Movie page because I have different feelings about the movie now ^_^;; and I added a link, and a new picture, which I also have posted (in a smaller version) below! Bai bai, Gyastaria...

(March 15th) I've put my fan art page up on Hana no Bishounen now. And we've got a new picture on this page, because the one of Anthy was kind of lame, not being the entire picture and all...

(February 16th) My Sailor Moon page, Hana no Bishounen, is finally up! *rejoices* The link is on my interests page, along with my other anime sites.

(August 7th) I'm finally back from vacation, and I've got a bunch of pictures put up that were sent to me by Rachel. They're absolutely beautiful, go see them! ^_^ I promise I'll actually do something myself eventually...

(July 9th) I've got a bunch of new fanart that IolantaStar sent me ^_^ It's very cool, and it's up on my fan art page near the top.

(June 22nd) Marvel at the productivity! Well, not really. I've got a new link up on my Links page, to Ben's site Utena True Love. It's a beautiful page, with many great writings on it, so check it out ^_^ I also scanned in this painting I did of Utena, and it actually looks good! I can't believe it! Go see it now, I'm disgustingly proud of it! ^_^

(June 21st) I'm graduated, and now maybe I'll actually do something on this page! Waiwai! Anyway, I revised my Adolescense of Utena page because, after watching it multiple more times, I realised that I was kind of an idiot the first time I wrote my review. My brain was numbed by the sheer absurdness of the movie ^_^ And now that I can look at it from a rational point of view, I like it a lot better...

(April 24th) Someone actually asked me to put their fanart up on my page! And it's damn good fanart, too... *sparkly eyes* So pretty! It's at the top of my fanart page.

(March 28th) I put two more pictures up on my fanart page that I forgot because I painted them at school and left them in one of my notebooks ^_^

(March 25th) My God, it isn't an actual update, is it? Wow! I've got three new pictures and songs/poems up on the Poems page, and the Cruel Winter song for Anthy and Akio got moved to the original page, because it wasn't as long as I thought it was. Those collages took me long enough, though... I feel creative ^_^

(March 15th) I've got my fan art page up now! There quite a bit of stuff there, about half of which I still like ^_^ And I'd be glad to put up anyone else's stuff, too!

Yay, my page is finally open! But not completely done, of course. I've got everything I wanted to do initially, but don't be surprised if I have more stuff up soon, such as a page for the Amazon Trio and a page of Girls that Kick Ass!

(February 16th) Nothing to do with Utena, but my Sailor Moon page is finally up! It's called Hana no Bishounen, and you can get to it by going to my Interests page, or going here!

(February 13th) I really need to update these updates more often ;) Anyway, for any of you who've just gone here, I've done some stuff on my Utena page like take down one of my first fanfics which really bit. And I'm almost done with my Sailor Moon page, which will be nearly as extensive as my Utena one. Yay ;) Also, a new picture on this page! Because I'm really lazy and I don't feel like scanning anything, I just chopped up a picture I scanned a couple of months ago.

(December 31st) I actually did something significant! Be proud! Under the link to my Interests page, you'll find a link to my new tutorial on how I draw furries and other humanoid things. Yay!

(December 17th) Some new stuff on my Utena page... mostly fan art. And I joined a Yaoi/Yuri support group-- a banner and link is down at the bottom of this page.

(September 19th) Lotsa stuff on my Utena page... new fanfics, and a new page about me. Yippee.

(February 13th) Not a big update... just saying that I'm almost done with my Sailor Moon page, for those of you who care ;) And for those of you who don't, it'll mean more time to work on Utena stuff! I've also taken down the first fanfic I wrote (called My Adventures With the Cast) because I decided that it really sucked too much to have here as an example of my work ;) I'm sure none of you will miss it ^_^

(January 8th) I've got a new Utena fanfiction up. My ideas as to what happens after the last episode. It's down on the fanfics page... I hope you all like it ^_^

(December 31st) Small update about something that doesn't have much to do with Utena... I made a tutorial on how I draw things. I dunno if you'd really care, but people have asked me to do it, so here it is ^_^ Tutorial

(December 17th) Gomen nasai for got updating in about two months ;) I've been extremely busy... and this isn't much of an update either. Lots of new fanart pictures, which is all I've really had time to do lately because I can do those during school ^_^ They're all pencil scetches except this big affair I did with watercolors and colored pencils. And I changed the names on this page around to the Japanese way (as in Tenjou Utena) because I like that better. Oh, and forgive the fact that I constantly switch around between "Juri" and "Jury," mostly because I'm lazy and don't want to go back and change all of my stuff to the way I've come to spell it now ;) Oh, and I joined a Yaoi/Yuri support group thing. The banner's down at the bottom.

(October 13th) I've finally got my explanation of the end of the series up! Thought I'd never do it, did you? ^_^ It's down at the bottom, by the name of Satan Drives a Red Convertible. ... What? He DOES! ;) (September 19) The second chapter of Utena's fic, Pray for the Revolution, is up, as well as some more of her pictures, and a new fanfic by me! It's a Sailor Moon crossover, only... different ;) Also, a new page telling a little about me, 'cause people have asked.

(September 13) New fanfiction! Written by Tenjo Utena. It's really great! It's only the first chapter, because she has to translate the rest, but it's awesome. And there's also some pictures which are awesome, too!

(September 8) A new poem on my Poems and Things page. And another cruddy altered image, whee! *drool* I'm such a Jerkshipper ^_^ *dies laughing at her own stupid, stupid joke*

September 13: I joined a bunch of new webrings and stuff! They're down at the bottom, under my Interests page link.

August 20: I got onto Elfwood, an online art gallery! Zoi! The link is down below my Interests Page link...

(August 18) I've got a new song up on my Poems page, along with one of my famous crappy edited images... and one more picture (one I couldn't find before) on the Adolescence Apocalypse page.

August 15: I don't feel like putting that last update on the updates page... Anyway, I updated my Ruin Explorers page! Never thought THAT would happen, did you? ;) I added a section comparing the subtitled and dubbed, because I finally saw both! Yee!

(August 10) Even more updates! Wow! Just a small one, though... I've got a new link up on my Links page. Yay!

August 7th: Ooh, boy, an update! I've put a section on my Utena page dedicated to trying to explain the movie, Adolescence Mokushiroku. (More like my opinion of it ;) ) I also put a fan art page up on my Team Rocket site a couple of days ago but didn't bother to put an update here ;) And I've got a new picture below! Zoi!

(August 7) I told you I'd update! My page on the Utena movie, Adolescence Apocalypse, is now up, down at the bottom of my Other Stuff. Be aware of raging opinions ;) And the movie really wasn't as pornographic as I had been afraid of. Too many images to convert... augh... my computer hates me now.

(August 2) I am alive! Really! Gomen for not updating for over a month... man, you'd think that I'd have plenty of time to make up more crap for my page during the summer ;) I am doing things, though... Not necessarily Utena things, but things nonetheless ;) If you happen to like Sailor Moon, I'm working on a page dedicated to the show's lovely bishounen. And I saw the Utena movie! Wahoo! It was... indescribable. And not in a completely good way. I'll have a movie page up, eventually... probably before my famed "Katie tries to explain the weird aspects of the show" page. Oh well. I just thought I'd write a little update to tell all you guys that I haven't forgotten about my wonderful Utena... not hardly. I got the second and third soundtrack in the mail today! Yatta! They rock amazingly...

July 7: I've got my new Team Rocket page up, finally! You'll find it on my Interests page, where the link to my old Pokémon page was.
And a new picture on this page! My own Team Rocket members ;)

June 13: I've got a very limited Team Rocket page up, replacing my primitive Pokémon page that I made back when I had no clue how to make HTML look good. The Team Rocket page is in with the other anime stuff on my Interests page, and it's got the old Team Rocket info from the other page, but in JPEG format. Joy. Until I get some more info and better organization skills, that's what'll be there...

June 1st: Got my fanart page up on my Shoujo Kakumei Utena site! Finally...

May 25th: I've got lotsa new stuff on my Utena page (I keep forgetting to update on this one), like a new fanfic, a poem page, some awards... ^_^ Also, I changed all of the images to JPEGs so everyone can see them!

(May 25) I finished my fanfic, Where Eternity Dwells. Yay, huh? ^_^ It's in the fanfic section... I like this one more than the others. I think I'm better at writing serious stuff than comedy ^_^;

(May 23) I got awaaaards! *bounces around joyfully* Thank you so much, Dara-chan! Dara-chan's page, Bara no Yume, is an awesome site, so go see it! It's got more images than I've ever seen! The awards are on my groups and adoptions page.

(May 19) I've almost got my new fanfic done! And in the meantime, I made some banners for my page. They're down near the bottom.

(April 23) I've got a poem page up now, but there isn't a whole lot there. Oh well ^_^

(April 16) Added a bunch of new images of Anthy, Touga, Saionji, Jury, Mikage, and Mamiya, I think. The images are all at the bottom of each character's page. The new images are at the bottom of those, except Saionji's, which is right before the chibi-Sai image.

(April 6) A new fanfic in my fanfic section! And a whole page of disclaimers, just so I don't get sued. I also joined a webring, and ISS (I Support Saionji).

April 6: I've got a new fanfic on my Revolutionary Girl Utena page, and a new page for my disclaimers! Also joined a webring and some other clubs.

March 16th: Yahahaha! I've finally got my Revolutionary Girl Utena page up! It's in the anime section on my Interests page, so go see it, even if you haven't seen the series! I hope that after you see the page, you will! *grins* The page is a whole heck of a lot more extensive than my other anime pages. I've been working on it since Christmas, for heaven's sakes ;) It's far from finished, though. I do have a lot up, and there aren't any links that go nowhere, but there is still more to come, so don't think that's all that there is!

Jan. 18th, 2000: I've got a Revolutionary Girl Utena page in the works! It's far from done, so it's not up yet, 'cause I want to wait until it's finished before I spend eight years uploading it. Dude, that show is so cool.

Jan. 6, 2000: Happy New Year, New Decade, New Century, and New Millenium! And look! I've got a new painting of myself up!

December 31st: A Pokémon fanfic! By me! Yay! Go an' read it! *grins*

As of Dec. 30th, I've added more stuff to my Pokémon page (some Team Rocket stuff) and a link to my Ruin Explorers page! Wowee, huh?

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