Zoo Birthday Cards

Hey We Got Birthdays today in the Zoo!!
Want everyone to GIVE big ZOO CHEERS to:




(Hollyn + Matt )

Happy Birthday!
Many Happy Returns of the Day

Today's Downloads are dedicated to ALL!

Today's Downloads

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Take a Peek and TAKE what you
Need.......LOTS of UPdates there too!

Lots to choose From

Pic of the Day!
Being OLD doesnt have to mean
YOU stop having fun!!
They have sooooo Many New Products
JUST for "Adventurous" Seniors!!

Pic at bottom of Page

Just take your choice!!

Start out your day by reading IF you should stay in bed

New Feature, just click on for the latest news

Sit back drink your coffee and read the News

Rain or Shine?

Feeling Lucky?



NameTag of the Day!

Signature email Tag

Hoping eveyrones weekend was great
Mine was....and NICE and cool
here once again  :)

Its Monday
yeah yeah.....we know IT sucks!!

luv yas all

lady in the bronx


George W. Bush Misguided Imagery Tour
President Moron

President Dubya

The Madness of King George

Funny Political Pictures

Bush Follies
My First Presidentiary

Bush Body Count

The Wiregrass Festival of Murals

Economics of Tobacco

The Episcopal Church and Visual Arts

Teoma Search


Hello to ETI

The Petition Site
Gemini Observatory Web site

The Formula One DataBase

Dead People Server
Salon.com Comics

Shades of Night

 Find Swim Lessons Near You

Angela's Sitemap

I See Us Being Pals

Tammy's Signatures

What Was Home Economics?


Ivy's Bookcase

audioscope m keys

Some Graphics Used today, thanks to:
TV Dance Pages

If you are easily Offended by
Adult Language/Humor/Graphics
on these:
Always Prepared!

Is it Finished?

NOW Thats Chilli!!!!


My Motto: READY!!

Ummm...While your up...

The Smoke After!

 Campaign Promises!

Win A Prize!

For My Male ZooBies

 Ladies, Your Stud of the Day!

Presidential Dairy

Dear Diary -- Saddam & his rogues are makin trouble
again, shootin at our planes & tryin to make me
look bad. So Rummy says we gotta consider military
action. I told him exercise your best COO judgment &
let me know what you decide. Just don't mess
up my vacation!

Dear Diary -- It turns out my Popial etiquette lessons
didn't take too well -- I called the Pope Sir by accident
insteada Your Holiness. Hey, he's lucky I didn't call
him Your Popitude!

Dear Diary -- There's a whole lotta upheavin in the
House on accounta last Thursday's campaign finance
reform funny business. I don't really understand what
happened. But Dick says don't worry -- nobody else
does neither. The only thing I know is McCain the Pain
is involved even tho I'm pretty sure he works
for the Senate.

Dear Diary --So far, Phase 1 of my "Make Seniors
Think We're Helping Them" plan is goin real well.
The drug discount card proposal is gettin so much
attention, nobody even noticed the disappearin lockbox.
For Phase 2 we'll probably launch our "Clip Coupons
& Bring Back Green Stamps" campaign. And if we
need another distraction we'll remind seniors not to
waste their frequent flyer miles.

Dear Diary -- I'm not allowed to cancel any more
NY trips, so Tuesday I went to the Rotten Apple. HRC
flew up with me, even tho Lott & the others warned
me to stay far away from her. They said she has some
kinda weird power & if I wasn't real careful I'd end up
likin her. And they were right.
That woman must be a witch!

The trip went pretty well except for my migrant speech
where I screwed up the Pledge of Allegiance arm
position. Whoever didn't remind me about the hand
on the heart business should be fired! And while
I'm at it, I'd sure like to fire the trouble-makin reporter
who asked me how I like New York. Everyone knows I
hate New York almost as much as I hate the State of
New England. I tried to change the subject diplomaticlike
by sayin it was a beautiful day. But then Giuliani
gave me one of his mean scary looks & I hadda say
I love New York. I was crossin my fingers
the whole time!!

Dear Diary -- All my hard work is payin off! A coupla
reporter guys caught me this weekend with a wet tee
and said I looked real buff. Hmmm, I hope those
guys aren't homos!

ear Diary -- I'm headin back to DC later today after
spendin quality golfin & horseshoin time at
Kennysomethinorother. I still don't understand how Poppy
can live in such a hard to spell town. Speakena spellin,
Poppy made me show him the diary & yelled at me for
skippin a coupla entries. I thought this was supposeta
be a vacation! Then he read a months worth & yelled
some more & told Jeb to do something with it. But Jeb said
I'm not cleanin up any more of that golf cheater's messes.

Dear Diary -- Another awful weekend -- startin Friday
with me stuck sittin at a funeral with Clinton/Gore.
Talk about tense! After the rumors, I didn't think we'd all
fit in the pew. But Gore didn't look nearly as fat
as everyone's sayin. Too bad!

Dear Diary -- I was gonna ask Dick fer some daughter
rearin advice, now that he's done vacationin in Whyoming --
his just pretend home state.
But then I remembered he raised a lesbo

A reporter once remarked to George W. Bush:
"If you win the Presidential election that will put
the Bush legacy back into the oval office."

"Knowing Bill Clinton," replied George.
"Bush never left the office."  

Top 11 Reasons to Support
Katherine Harris' Congressional Bid

11. No matter where you live,
you can vote for her... twice.

10. Campaign contributions are tax deductible,
hush money isn't

.9. Jeb Bush has threatened to kill one
prisoner a day  until she is elected.

8. High-profile campaign will boost value
of cosmetics stock you bought during
Tammy Faye Bakker's  15 minutes of fame.

7. She's running against Elian's aunt
for the nomination.

6. Catchy campaign slogan,
"The only poll that matters is the Harris poll.

5. 680 American Servicemen can't be wrong

4. Serving in the House of Representatives
will diminish
her power over our lives.

3. In a decision yet to be released,
Harris v. Insert Name of Democratic Nominee Here,
the Supreme Court has already decided she wil
l win by a 5-4 margin.

2. Female members of the House are less likely to
become romantically involved with interns...
especially if they are already involved with
the President and/or his brother.

1. It's the only way to be sure your vote
will be counted.

Top 11 things international leaders
already call George W. Bush
behind his back

Not-Nearly-Curious-Enough George
The Guy Running Against President Gore

The Americanian (Bush has refered to Greeks
as "Greecians" and Kosovars as "Kosarvarians")

That Son-Of-A-Bush


Limousine Cowboy

Forrest Bush
(they liked the cartoon)

The Smugly American

The Global Village Idiot

Beer Warmer

The Future Governor of Texas!

Cheesy Zucchini Dip  
Spicy Grilled Chicken
Give Away Zucchini Grill Out
Ranch Potatoes
Blueberry Cheesecake

Cherry Popping Scotsman


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this tip is for users who are familiar
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If you are a person that generally uses
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To set this option, go to:
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On the right hand side in a blank area
right click, and a new prompt will appear
click on it and select DWORD
and type in NoDeskTop and hit enter

NOW right click on NoDeskTop and
click on Modify

and set the value to "1" (without quotes)
to hide  the desktop icons, or "0" to
display the desktop icons.

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