sitey stuff


the goods


friendly stuff



[+]AA Graphics

Image by Shannon, drawn off of a Nadia image

Electra's Stardust

About the Site

What's the site about?
This site is dedicated to my otaku senshi, or fan senshi. You won't find much else besides information, pictures, and stories on my senshi. There will be a few games and contests and such, but this is not a Sailor Moon information or picture gallery, this is a site dedicated to my creativity and sometimes even the creativity of others.

Why Electra's Stardust?
Well, that's kinda a toughy because I can't really remember why. I wanted a unique name, and stardust came to mind. This is just really a space for me to air out my brain and get creative. Basically my imagination has free reign over this place.

Why did you make a site?
I loved watching Sailor Moon and as so many other people did, I made up my own characters and imagined what they would do if they were apart of that world. I discovered other otaku's sites, and was inspired to make my own.

Is Sailor Electra based on you?
A reasonable question, but no. Sure some things about Sailor Electra/Shannon are similar to me, like somethings about our appearance, but other than that we're very different. In some ways I wish I could be more like Electra. She is actually based on a number of people.

Will you draw me a picture?
I'd be happy to make a picture for you, just email me with a description of what you want me to draw. Requests are great, but art trades are even greater! I would be even more delighted to an art trade just email me to set up the terms of the trade!

About the Webmistress

A little doll of me!

Name: Shannon

Aliases: Kioko, Peachie, Akarui, S

Age: 17

Physical Description: I have long blonde hair and light grey-bluish-greenish eyes. I'm small in size, both vertically and horizontally ~_^. I have my ears pierced in three places (lobes and upper cartiledge) and usually wear silver hoops.

Family: Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister, evil cat. My dog died January 2003, rest in peace Baby Bug

Likes: salads, Coca-cola, chocolate, water, milk, playing musical instruments (piano/violin), listening to music, playing sports (football, soccer, softball, gymnastics), messing around on my computer, yellow, light blue, green, my puppy, friends, family(most of the time), a certain boy at school *winks*, driving my cute little car, giving people presents, drawing, white-water rafting, and about a million other things!

Dislikes: Asparagus (i always manage to get the nasty chewy ones), Mountain Dew, Sprite, school (sometimes), underage drinking or smoking, the idiots at my school who get drunk every weekend just for the sake of getting drunk, cleaning, stress, and much more!

Fav Animes: Sailor Moon(of course!), InuYasha, G Gundam, Monster Rancher(it's so cute!), Outlaw Star, Pilot Candidate, Magic Knight RayEarth, Card Captor Sakura, the list goes on and on.

Feel free to email me with any questions about myself or the site!