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* Gothic Magnetic Poems *

Magnetic Poems Directory

You can add to the TABLE Of WORDS. Small words like a, and, the are understood.


afterlife, above, ancient, ancestor, antiquarian, asylum, answer, apprentice, beyond, below, burn, bat, bone, banshee, bog, blood, bramble, bracken, brier, brake, burial, bell, book, bygone, bride, bird, beside, bars, barrier, bony, church, cabinet, creep, canyon, coffin, casket, chamber, clock, chant, crow, cloak, cape, chandelier, chair, creature, cry, crypt, cemetery, churchyard, castle, crow, canebrake, cross, circle, coven, cloud, corpse, cellar, cell, cold, camp, cloth, coat, ceremony, charm, count, courtyard, drift, desert, doubloon, dolphin, dog, disturb, dawn, day, death, dead, daybreak, dream, down, decay, demon, devil, darkling, deadly, dance, dust, Druid, Dracula, dragon, danse macabre, drizzle, damp, dark, double, dig, Dr Caligari, deacon, divine, divination, dreary, drama, diary, destiny, desolate, desperate, desperation, deep, discarnate, end, enthrall, earth, echo, earthen wall, enchant, enslave, elves, emptiness, empty, evil, enchant, entrap, ever, early, evening, forget, first, fen, float, foghorn, fog, fright, faint, forlorn, fortune, frail, fate, full moon, finger, flicker, forever, family, firelight, forest, Frankenstein, fly, frost, firefly, fabric, fury, fire, flame, fear, forgotten, guest, grasp, gate, gasp, grunt, groan, gremlin, grave, grave robber, goblin, grass, ground, ghost, gown, golem, grimoire, glow, gloom, groom, giant, hell, highland, headless, horseman, heath, harsh, hollow, hood, howl, hollow, half moon, hot, horror, haunt, hall, house, hex, heat, huge, haggard, hand, insect, keeper, King Kong, kill, ice, insane, incarnate, iron, journal, journey, kraken, key, look, loon, latch, long, linen, laugh, late, lost, last, lodestar, lurk, lock, lizard, lighthouse, light, lamp, library, labyrinth, laboratory, lightning, marsh, moss, mirage, mermaid, midnight, maze, mountaintop, macabre, mock, mockbird, mansion, man-made, magic, mummy, moor, mist, moon, mirror, magical, magician, mad, madhouse, madman, mimic, murder, mystic, mystery, medallion, message, messenger, mourn, morning, monster, moan, nightmare, Nosferatu, number, night, outside, oblivion, opera, occult, Ouija, pelican, perish, phantom, psychic, pale, pyramid, panic, poltergeist, pagan, preternatural, primordial, pentagram, presence, prey, pray, premature, prehistoric, preacher, priest, priestess, prison, question, rune, revelation, reveal, ruthless, raven, rainbow, restless, rain, remember, relentless, remorseless, raven, run, reptile, ritual, ragged, robe, ride, rage, ring, rags, roof, robber baron, reflect, sailor, swamp, sunken ships, shore, sandpiper, sea, sea songs, sleep, sorcery, shifting sands, sepulcher, silver, supernatural, scorch, stare, specter, stagger, sword, spell, shiver, scream, scare, specter, sprite, swoon, seek, serpent, shade, spirit, stone, swirl, shriek, sorrow, shatter, silence, Satan, skeleton, skull, sword, soul, Satanic, storm, sleep, suspect, shadow, smoke, suspend, suspense, scripture, shelf, sexton, sojourn, sundial, sorcerer, servant, slave, somnambulist, spawn, solve, snow, sun, triple, text, tomb, twilight, thunder, tower, trance, terror, thought, tatters, tattered, time, twitch, transform, ticking, tarot, tiny, tempt, undead, unquiet, Usher, unearth, vow, wildfire, violet, violent, vine, wine, weapon, venom, wrath, vapor, zombie, voodoo, victim, winter, vanish, wail, voice, visit, wind, werewolf, waning moon, waxing moon, wall, vampire, witch, warlock, waltz, weeds, woods, wisp, wine, wafer, wander, workmen, vicar, warp, watch, weave,

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