Viet Nam Online

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Vietnamese websites on Viet Nam history, geography, culture showing Viet Nam land, people, places, things mostly for American audiences. Other Asian countries' pages include Chinaweb China's official business website and Asia Online Viet Nam maps of Hanoi's historic buildings and Old Town Market translate the 36 Streets' names of merchandise sold on that street.

Destination Viet Nam Monthly e-zine. National Geographic-style articles and photo essays of Viet Nam by tourists, students or business executives. Regular departments feature Vietnamese art, literature and restaurant reviews. Features on business and technology investment in Viet Nam and stories about business visits to Viet Nam.

Viet Touch Viet Nam history and culture. Viet Nam prehistory timeline from primitive tribes 300,000 years ago to first agriculture and pottery to the bronze age to early Vietnamese scholars to India's influence to centuries of Chinese domination to French colonization to today. Sections on Vietnamese coins, stamps, architecture, history, literature, music, art. Viet Nam's Trung sisters' short-lived rebellion 36 A D - 41 A D still maintain myths of the elder Trung sister's husband's murder. Actually he was still alive, myths of his death created by Chinese revisionists not liking women as leaders. Site mostly in English, some in Vietnamese.

Viet Scape based in San Jose California, bilingually deals with Vietnamese geography and contemporary, local Vietnamese dining and entertainment. Landscapes Viet Nam photo tours of Saigon, Hanoi, Phan Thiet, Nha Trang, Da Lat and other Vietnamese cities, the Perfume Pagoda, the Mekong Delta and indigenious Vietnamese fruits. Vietnamese concerts and music, mostly in San Jose. Vietnamese CDs and singer biographies. Photos of Vietnamese concerts and Tet festival queens and courts. Lists of Vietnamese music stores and restaurants. Vietnamese MIDI section with lyrics to most of them. 1960s and 1970s songs are still popular. Vietnamese songs are in Vietnamese. English chat rooms on Vietnamese entertainment, poetry, relationships, computers.