Welcome to Series 5 - and possibly the last - of "Ellen" where it will explore Ellen's new phase of her life as a lesbian. My dear friend Adriane will be writing the reviews of each of the 25 episodes this year. Enjoy everyone!
Bad news - the sitcom Ellen has been cancelled but ABC is currently showing repeats of Series 5. July 15 and 22 they will show the two unaired episodes. Bye Ellen, we will miss you :((

Series 5/Episode 20
On air WEDNESDAY, July 22 at 9.30pm on ABC (US)

When Ellen’s parents renew their wedding vows, Ellen and Laurie realize how committed they are to each other, but question whether they need a big ceremony to prove it.

Bonsai's Summary

Series 5/Episode 19
On air WEDNESDAY, July 15 at 9.30pm on ABC (US)

Disheartened by rampant rudeness, Ellen encourages her radio show audience to practice greater kindness, but they end up slightly hostile.

Adriane's Summary
Ellen gets serious on her radio program and pleas with everyone to be friendly with each other and not so distant. As it turns out, Paige acquires a boyfriend who takes ellen's message quite seriously but goes a bit too far and is too helpful...funny scenes include ellen conversing about how people are just too busy and involved in their own lives to notice other's predicaments as she walks over a homeless man on the sidewalk. Funny stuff!!

Series 5/Episode 21&22
On air WEDNESDAY, May 13 at 9pm on ABC (US)

In the form of a witty and funny parody, Ellen presents a documentary of her 50 years in show business and how she has reflected key moments in American history, as her career evolved from vaudeville to radio to groundbreaking television. Linda Ellerbee conducts interviews with Ellen and many of the major stars whose lives she has touched, including Oscar-winner Helen Hunt, Jada Pinkett Smith, Woody Harrelson, Glenn Close, Cindy Crawford, Julianna Margulies, Jennifer Aniston, Christine Lahti, Ted Danson, Mary Steenburgen, Phil Donahue, Linda Ellerbee, Tim Conway, Bea Arthur, Richard Benjamin, Kathy Najimy, John O’Hurley (J. Peterman on "Seinfeld"), Orson Bean and Diahann Carroll.

Adriane's Summary
Ellen's final episode done in documentary style. Quite unfortunately and ironically, it is probably the worst episode Ellen has ever done....None of the stars can save the unfunny dialogue either, although there are a few moments of humour such as ER's Julianna Margulies doing a Mr. Ed imitation. Leave this episode out of your Ellen collection and remember her as she was during the first several seasons of the show.... .

Series 5/Episode 18
On air WEDNESDAY, March 4 at 9.30pm on ABC (US)

Laurie has been in a car accident, and while Ellen anxiously waits in a hospital emergency room for news, she meets a mysterious stranger who proves to be a part of Laurie’s past. Anne Heche guest stars as Karen.

Adriane's Summary
Laurie is involved in an automobile accident and a very tense Ellen stumbles upon Laurie’s ex-lover in the waiting area. Ellen, however, at first doesn’t know who the lady is but when she finds out and figures that the ex is playing a game, she starts playing as well and both try to outdo one another. Ann Heche, Ellen’s real life lover makes a guest appearance in this episode.

Series 5/Episode 17
On air WEDNESDAY, February 25 at 9.30pm on ABC (US)

After sniffing a heavy dose of insecticide, Spence wakes up in a world where homosexuality is the norm -- Joe is in love with him and Paige has tattoos and a buzz haircut. Has he landed in the "Twilight Zone?" Harvey Fierstein guest stars as himself.

Adriane's Summary
The world seems to turn upside down when Spence dreams that it’s a gay world after all and that majority rules. Joe has a crush on Spence; Paige and Audrey are a couple! It’s discovered that Spence is really straight when he’s caught in a bar making out with a woman and he decides to tell his friends he’s really heterosexual. A fun look at things in reverse making this a wonderful episode.

Series 5/Episode 16
On air WEDNESDAY, February 18 at 9.30pm on ABC (US)

Ellen tries to get on friendly terms with her new neighbours, but a series of comic events leaves a different impression.

Adriane's Summary
Ellen is dismayed that she has remained an uninvited guest at any of her neighbors parties. Unfortunately, her neighbors think she's a nut! She and Paige are caught on the roof of Ellen's house trying to keep the rain out with a twister mat. Ellen dresses up as a chicken for a birthday party which appalls the neighbors once more; then she gets locked out and manages to climb up on the roof again only to disrupt a wake which she mistakes for another one of her neighbors social gatherings!

Series 5/Episode 15
On air WEDNESDAY, February 11 at 9.30pm on ABC (US)

To win points with her new job at a television network, Paige enlists Ellen and Joe to join a focus group and persuade the others to praise her new cop show.

Adriane's Summary
Paige manages to persuade Ellen to become part of a test group for her new t.v. show called Smith & Wesson. The show contains a very short police officer. It’s Ellen’s job to convince everyone else in the group that the show is good enough for t.v. Once she manages this task, Paige asks her to “unconvince” them about the short cop as her boss has decided to replace him with a tall female. It’s too late though because Ellen has persuaded everyone in the group that t.v. needs more real people. Paige gets to keep her show, however, it’s only with other drastic changes.

Series5/Repeat of Episode 6
On air WEDNESDAY, February 4 at 9.30pm on ABC (US)

Series 5/Episode 14
On air WEDNESDAY, January 28 at 9.30pm on ABC (US)

Ellen and Laurie leave on a weekend getaway to San Diego, but when one wants to follow a structured itinerary and the other wants to hang loose, somebody’s bound to really want to hit the road.

Adriane's Summary
In this episode, Ellen and Laurie disagree on how to spend their vacation. Ellen seeks spontaneity and adventure, while Laurie prefers a more scheduled and precise one. Ellen has too much fun at a bar one evening, oversleeps and an arguement ensues between the couple and it is decided that they should spend their vacation separately. Both are obviously miserable apart and Ellen tracks Laurie down at a whale show. Her apology and the whale both make a big splash and all is forgiven. :)

Series5/Repeat of Episode 4
On air WEDNESDAY, January 21 at 9.30pm on ABC (US)

Series 5/Episode 13
On air WEDNESDAY, January 14 at 9.30pm on ABC (US)

When Laurie’s father dies suddenly, Ellen must help her make peace with the family that shut her out when she revealed she is a lesbian. This is the 100th episode of "Ellen."

Adriane's Summary
Laurie seems to be hiding something from Ellen and it appears to be another woman. As it turns out, the mystery woman is really Lauries mom and the mystery is that Laurie’s father has died. Laurie reveals that unlike Ellen’s family, her parents did not take too kindly to her sexual orientation and a sister is the only one who has readily accepted her. Ellen talks Laurie into attending the funeral and confronting the painful past yet bittersweet memories she had of her dad before he found out she was gay. Trivial Note: This is Ellen’s 100th episode.

Series 5/Episode 12
On air WEDNESDAY, January 7 at 9.30pm on ABC (US)

To help mend her broken heart, Ellen persuades Audrey and Paige to join her on a road trip to Berkeley, in search of destiny and the chance to see Sara McLachlin and Indigo Girls perform.

Starwish's Summary
Ellen, Audrey and Paige drive to Berkeley for Womyn Fest, “three days of girl bonding, female unity and ovarian rhapsody,” where Audrey and Paige try to cheer up a depressed Ellen. Audrey believes that Ellen is destined to meet her soulmate on the trip.
The girls stop at a diner enroute where an attractive waitress (Rena Sofer) flirts with Ellen and Paige announces her intention to marry Spence. The trio arrive at the fest just as the Indigo Girls finish “Shame on You.” A tarot card reader tells Ellen that she has already met the person she is meant to be with.
Just as Ellen begins to believe Laurie may be her soulmate after all, she bumps into the waitress from the diner. After they sway to Sarah McLachlan singing “Building a Mystery,” the two discuss their recent breakups and Ellen is unable to explain why she and Laurie broke up. Ellen then realizes that she packed Laurie’s sweater and sees this as confirmation that Laurie is her true love. Paige announces that she and Spence are over. The threesome leave for LA and although it’s late, Ellen rushes to Laurie’s apartment and they reconcile.
Paige and Spence break up.

Series5/Repeat of Episode 2
On air WEDNESDAY, December 24 at 9.30pm on ABC (US)

Series5/Repeat of Episode 3
On air WEDNESDAY, December 31 at 9.30pm on ABC (US)

Series 5/Episode 11
On air WEDNESDAY, December 17 at 9.30pm on ABC (US)

Can this really be the end? On their one-month anniversary, Ellen and Laurie come to a crossroads in their relationship.

Adriane's Summary
Ellen gives Laurie the key to her house in order for Laurie to be able to come and go as she pleases, however, Laurie mistakingly thinks that this is Ellen's way of asking her to move in. When Ellen tells her the real reason she has given her the key, it is obvious in that instant their relationship has forever changed. Ellen senses she is on the verge of losing Laurie and actually asks her to move in. It is obvious she is just frightened of losing their relationship. It's too late. Laurie has decided they are at different places in their lives and ends it with Ellen and just like that with very little discussion. :pppp on Laurie....a woman who dumps Ellen that quickly doesn't deserve her anyway.

Series5/Repeat of Episode 1
On air WEDNESDAY, December 10 at 9.30pm on ABC (US)

Series 5/Episode 10
On air WEDNESDAY, December 3 at 9.30pm on ABC (US)

Ellen gets a job at a small, all-talk radio station, but when the Sports Chat host goes home in a huff, she’s left to fill the void armed only with personal charm and a Janis Joplin record.

Adriane's Summary
Watch out Howard Stern, here comes Ellen Morgan! Ellen applies for a position at a talk radio station and to her surprise is hired. After rejecting a co-worker's inappropriate advances to which he reacts by walking out on his own show, Ellen is thrown into the d.j's chair. Ellen starts out with nothing to say and starts flinging insults just to get the phone ringing and boy does it!

Series5/Episode 9
On air WEDNESDAY, November 26th at 9.30pm on ABC (US)

Laurie has prepared for a big romantic evening with flowers, fine wine and a homemade dinner.... but she still needs to convince Ellen to stick around for it.

Adriane's Summary
Ellen gets mighty nervous when she finds out that Laurie has planned a romantic dinner alone for two in Laurie’s apartment. Fearing that she cannot compete with others in Laurie’s past, she makes up an excuse and skips out prematurely on the evening. Hours later she turns back up on Laurie’s doorstep only to be greeted with a cold shoulder...The evening however turns out to be more than lukewarm as Ellen leads Laurie seductively into the bedroom.

Series5/Episode 8
On air WEDNESDAY, November 19 at 9.30pm on ABC (US)

Thanks to Paige, Ellen gets a job as Emma Thompson's personal assistant. She finds out that not only is Emma gay but her past contains a truly sordid secret:)
Guest stars: Emma Thompson as herself, and Sean Penn.

Adriane's Summary
Ellen becomes Emma Thompson's personal assistant in this funny episode. Ellen discovers she and Em have something in common when Ellen catches Emma giving a female friend more than just a casual kiss. There's more secrets in Emma's past as she admits to Ellen she's not even really British but from Ohio! Oh my:) The episode allows Emma Thompson to poke fun at her own image and at the same time give everybody a laugh...Sean Penn also co-stars.

Series5/Episode 7
On air WEDNESDAY, November 12 at 9.30pm on ABC (US)

Ellen faces her toughest challenge in her relationship yet. She tries to win over her new lady Laurie's 12 year old daugher, Holly.

Adriane's Summary
In this episode, Ellen introduces Laurie to her parents with hilarious results. Ellen's parents are obviously uncomfortable at first but as soon as Ellen's dad finds he has something in common with Laurie's dad, he can't shut up. Of course, Ellen's mom is just as animated! Ellen doesn't have much luck with Laurie's daughter at first and assumes she is simply uncomfortable with the display of physical affection exchanged between Ellen and Laurie. Ellen learns a valuable lesson that not everyone is closed minded and unaccepting. A heartwarming episode.

Series5/Episode 6
On air WEDNESDAY, November 5 at 9.30pm on ABC (US)

It is all guts and no glory as Ellen accompanies her father to his annual Civil War re-enactment, but while she has to endure the sadistic Sgt. Timko, her dad seems to be paying more attention to field nurse, Betsy.
Guest starts - Lou Gossett Jnr. as Sgt. Timko, Angie Dickinson as Nurse Betsy.

Adriane's Summary
Ellen joins her dad on a civil war re-enactment and convinces the club to allow her to be a soldier. Ellen meets the chairperson of the club who appears to be having an affair with her father. Ellen manages to sneak into her father's tent to find a love letter written from the lady to her him. Everything is explained away when her father assures Ellen that the relationship is merely a friendly one and all's well with the re-enactment with Ellen's North team winning.

Series5/Episode 5
On air WEDNESDAY, October 29 at 9.30pm on ABC (US)

Ellen runs into her morgage broker and thinks something is brewing until Laurie turns up with a "date" leaving Ellen to think she is the only one looking for romance.

Adriane's Summary
Ellen, Paige and Audrey run into Ellen's mortgage broker, Laurie while out to lunch. The two hit it off and Ellen gets asked out on her first "date" or is it a date since Spence and Paige convince Ellen it can't possibly be as she's been asked out for coffee? Both seem a bit on edge at the coffee shop and Laurie skips out way too quickly. A second rendevous at the theatre proves disastrous as Laurie has brought a friend along, furthermore complicating the situation and confusing Ellen even more! The third time is the charm with another get together and Ellen receives a kiss which proves to Ellen that indeed Laurie wants to be more than just friends!

No Show on Wednesday, October 22nd.

Series5/Episode 4
On air WEDNESDAY, October 15 at 9.30pm on ABC (US)

Ellen feels pressured to support gay-owned businesses, but a gay plumber nearly sends her housewarming party down the drain.

Adriane's Summary
Ellen has a party but has last minute problems with her garbage disposal. Upon the recommendation of friends, she uses the gay yellow pages to find a plumber. The plumber proves to be inexperienced and Ellen decides to get someone else who is "straight" to repair her disposal. She becomes afraid that she won't be accepted into the gay community if they find out that she's discovered there's more to her lifestyle than the trappings of her sexual preference.

Series5/Episode 3
On air WEDNESDAY, October 8 at 9.30pm on ABC (US)

Ellen's new neighbors offer to introduce her to a friend who is looking for a "roommate," which according to Audrey and Barrett is code for "girlfriend," but they may be hitting a language barrier. Meanwhile, Paige struggles with her mixed emotions about Ellen's lesbianism, but proves that when her help is needed, "friend" can really mean "partner."

Adriane's Summary
This season's third show is by far the best as well as the funniest. Ellen bumps into her next door neighbors who happen to be two females whom everyone assumes is gay. They seem very interested in introducing Ellen to a "friend". Paige is still uncomfortable with Ellen's sexual preference and Ellen tries her best to be socially comfortable with the new lady while trying to make amends with Paige. Ellen finally learns she has mistaken the woman's intentions to be merely a roomie. She tries to get herself out of the situation but Paige has listened in and acts like she is Ellen's lover, but the joke is on Paige because Ellen lays a real kiss on her that knocks her off her feet. One show that will keep you laughing from beginning to end.

Series5/Episode 2
On air WEDNESDAY, October 1 at 9.30pm on ABC (US)

Ellen feigns athletic prowess in an effort to impress Lisa, her very attractive "spinning" instructor, but on a mountain-climbing trip -- with Spence in tow -- she learns that honesty may have been more effective, and less life-threatening. Guest star is DeDee Pfeiffer.

Adriane's Summary
Ellen finds herself drawn to an attractive aerobics instructor. The attraction seems quite mutual too and this leads Ellen to accept an offer to go rock climbing with her new found friend. Although our Ellen is not the athletic type, she sure puts herself out on a limb, in more ways than one, and finds the courage to ask the lady out only to find she's already dating someone else. Poor Ellen. Can anyone really believe her luck with women which so far seems to be as bad as the luck she had when she dated men!?

Series5/Episode 1 - Season Premiere
On air WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 at 9.30pm on ABC (US)

Ellen is confused when she discovers that she is still attracted to her old boyfriend......pizza guy, Dan. Guest Star is William Ragsdale.

Adriane's Summary
This season's Ellen opens with Paige attempting to set Ellen up with a date. Although the evening turns out unsuccessful, Ellen happens upon an old boyfriend while out at the restaurant. Ellen admits to him that she is gay but old flames between the two ignite when he kisses her and she becomes confused about her inclinations towards females. The two later experiment with more kissing and both decide they have mistaken passion for friendship. Quick and witty one liners make this show a lovely opening for Ellen this season.

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