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elvin site links*

Other things elvin
elvinelvinelvin gives you other sites to help you get your dose of elvin.

Sites elvin made
The Elvin Luciano Show - elvin's official website.
Birdworks - the Birdworks, Inc. headquarters.
Philippine Jologs Review - an online Pinoy pop culture magazine.
Reklamador - not opinionated, just always right.
Birdshooting - everything about nothing, what a waste of time.
Join UPJC online - UPJC's online registration website.
Eksilo - A school project.

Sites elvin go to
University of the Philippines Diliman - elvin's school.
Google - elvin's favorite search engine.
UPJC online - elvin's organization.
MTV Asia - elvin's favorite message board (MTV Graffiti wall).
Geocities - elvin's favorite web host.
CJB - elvin's favorite url redirection site.

Link to us
Are you also maintaining an elvin fansite? Or do you think an elvinelvinelvin banner will increase the statistics on your site visitor tracker? Why don't you paste our link on your website. You can use the banner below. Just a note, we are still in the process of creating animated banner ads. To order the ads (its for free), simply e-mail the site administrator. Thank you!

click here for the ultimate elvin experience

Note: When we update this page, we will also be feuturing links to other elvin fan sites. We will only feature those sites where elvinelvinelvin has a direct link.

The most comprehensive unofficial elvin fan site on the web.

© 2002 Nevil Lacunio
Quezon City, Philippines
elvinelvinelvin is a birdworks website.