Elvish Espeon:...I can't think of a snappy comment for this page...
Elvish Espeon




Music Videos

Artwork by Me(Newest to the bottom):

Purification:Lula being Purified,And when she first met Ala.Boy,Isn't This a great way to meet someone?

Shep with the wind:Shep running with the wind.(No pun intended....Or is there?)

Artwork by others(Newest to the bottom):

Equidna:Alatariel done by Equidna for an art exchange.She just looks So Cute In this!^^

Digitalparadice:A pic of Koko,The Russian dancer by Digitalparadice ^^

Wanna send in some art?Then just e-mail it to uri_chan11@yahoo.com!^^Warning,Sending may result in Pounce-Huggles.
